Can anyone provide guidance on why the following regex is not working?

project = 'AirPortFamily'
line = 'AirPortFamily-1425.9:'
if re.findall('%s-(\d+):'%project,line):
    print line


  • Are there only digits after - and before :? Sep 20, 2018 at 4:26
  • @SamiKuhmonen and @Loocid yes,there are only digits after - and before but the digits can be of the format1425,1425.9,1425.9.111,1425.1.1.1
    – Ritz
    Sep 20, 2018 at 4:27
  • I mean, a dot isn’t a digit. Digit is not the same as a number that a human can understand. It’s a digit. So you’ll have to also accept the dot in them Sep 20, 2018 at 4:29

5 Answers 5


You should match the optional groups of digits preceded by a dot:

if re.findall(r'(%s-\d+(?:\.\d+)*):'%project,line):
  • How do we not capture the : at the end? Sep 20, 2018 at 4:33
  • Indeed I did not notice the : that the OP included in this original regex and left it there. I've removed it now. Thanks.
    – blhsing
    Sep 20, 2018 at 4:36
  • Yep that was only part had me stumped so explain to me how the asterisk works if you don't mind Sep 20, 2018 at 4:37
  • I mean I could google it but :) I just threw you and alley oop <3 Sep 20, 2018 at 4:37
  • The asterisk means to match zero or more of the preceding character or group, so in this case there can be optionally a number of groups of a dot followed by a string of digits.
    – blhsing
    Sep 20, 2018 at 4:40

Answer by Brandon looks good.

But in case there is a condition like "For a tag to be valid, it must end with a colon(:)"
In order to cover that condition, modifying Brandon's answer a little

project = 'AirPortFamily'
line = 'AirPortFamily-1425.9:'
matches = re.findall('%s-\d+\.+\d+\.*\d+:$'%project,line)
if matches:
    for elem in matches:
        print elem.split(':')[0]

Here is its working

#Matching lines with colon(:) at the end
>>> import re
>>> project = 'AirPortFamily'
>>> line = 'AirPortFamily-1425.9:'
>>> matches = re.findall('%s-\d+\.+\d+\.*\d+:$'%project,line)
>>> if matches:
...     for elem in matches:
...             print elem.split(':')[0]
AirPortFamily-1425.9 #Look, the output is the way you want.

#Below snippet with same regex and different line content (without :) doesn't match it
>>> line = 'AirPortFamily-1425.9'
>>> matches = re.findall('%s-\d+\.+\d+\.*\d+:$'%project,line)
>>> if matches:
...     for elem in matches:
...             print elem.split(':')[0]
>>> #Here, no output means no match
  • but if the line contains line = 'AirPortFamily-1425.9 ,it should not match it...it should only match the lines that contain :
    – Ritz
    Sep 20, 2018 at 4:58
  • Exactly. The regex that I suggested matches only the tags with colon (:) in the end ($) Sep 20, 2018 at 5:23
  • Oh, I got your requirement now. You want to match tags that ends with colon and as output, you want it to be printed without colon. I have modified my answer Sep 20, 2018 at 6:27
  • Please accpet an answer if any of them worked for you Sep 22, 2018 at 13:54

Your regex is missing the . after the first set of numbers. Here's a working example:

project = 'AirPortFamily'
line = 'AirPortFamily-1425.9:'
matches = re.findall('%s-\d+\.\d+'%project,line)
if matches:
    print matches
  • but if the line contains line = 'AirPortFamily-1425.9 ,it should not match it...it should only match the lines that contain :
    – Ritz
    Sep 20, 2018 at 4:59

On the possibilities with I'm getting the : so just stripping it from the results

if re.findall(r'%s-[\d+\.\d+]+:'%project,line):
(xenial)vash@localhost:~/python/stack_overflow$ python3.7 formats.py 
  • but if the line contains line = 'AirPortFamily-1425.9 ,it should not match it...it should only match the lines that contain :
    – Ritz
    Sep 20, 2018 at 4:58
  • fixed that just added the : to the the regex again though your output doesn't desire the : to be included so we can strip it after we find it Sep 20, 2018 at 5:03
  • but this isnt matching something like AirPortFamily-1425.16:
    – Ritz
    Sep 20, 2018 at 5:12

This is my regex,my test on regex101 edit again

import re
project = 'AirPortFamily'
line = 'AirPortFamily-1425.9:AirPortfamily-14.5.9AirPortFamily-'
result = re.findall('%s[0-9.-]+:'%project,line) #this dose not cantain ':' [s[:-1] for s in re.findall('%s[0-9.-]+:'%project,line)]
if result:
    for each in result:
        print (each)
  • but if the line contains line = 'AirPortFamily-1425.9 ,it should not match it...it should only match the lines that contain :
    – Ritz
    Sep 20, 2018 at 4:59
  • it means only match begain with AirPortFamily- before :,the result of AirPortFamily-1425.9:AirPortfamily-14.5.9AirPortFamily- is AirPortFamily-1425.9: and AirPortFamily-
    – KC.
    Sep 20, 2018 at 5:07

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