I am planning to use the Sakura Cloud to perform the production operation of Rails application. I constructed the environment according to the following procedure and started the server, but it was useless.

Flow of environment construction

  1. I set Sakura Cloud as below and did an ssh log in from the development environment.
  2. I installed Ruby using Rbenv, and installed bundler, and Rails.
  3. I started the server with RAILS_ENV = production bundle exec rails s - e production - b <IPv4 address>.

It is my first time to use production and Sakura Cloud, so it may be that I have missed or made a mistake with some setting. It will be helpful if someone with detailed knowledge lets me know.

Setting of Sakura Cloud

  • 1 core, 1 GB
  • CentOS 7.5

NIC is Internet connection, paravirtualized mode (I do not understand this in any way.) The public key contains the public key generated in the development environment, there is no startup script

Application stacks

  • ruby 2.2.10
  • rails 5.0.7
  • puma SQLite 3
  • @MarekLipka Nope, you are wrong. It is not in Chinese.
    – sawa
    Sep 20, 2018 at 9:31
  • Google Translate perfromed pretty well here, I guess Sep 20, 2018 at 9:32
  • @PavelOganesyan I was impressed and was just about to praise you for having done a good translation in such a short time, before you wrote the comment above. However, it has some small mistranslations.
    – sawa
    Sep 20, 2018 at 9:34
  • @rrr323 英語以外の言語で質問すると、このように弾かれることが多いです。今回は親切な人が英語に書き換えてくれたので良かったですが、答えは英語で返ってきます。日本語で質問したいなら ja.stackoverflow.com にするとよいでしょう。
    – sawa
    Sep 20, 2018 at 9:37


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