I was trying googletrans and it was working quite well. Since this morning I started getting below error. I went through multiple posts from stackoverflow and other sites and found probably my ip is banned to use the service for sometime. I tried using multiple service provider internet that has different ip and stil facing the same issue ? I also tried to use googletrans on different laptops , still same issue ..Is googletrans package broken or something google did at their end ?

>>> from googletrans import Translator
>>> translator = Translator()
>>> translator.translate('안녕하세요.')

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#2>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/googletrans/client.py", line 172, in translate
    data = self._translate(text, dest, src)
  File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/googletrans/client.py", line 75, in _translate
    token = self.token_acquirer.do(text)
  File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/googletrans/gtoken.py", line 180, in do
  File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/googletrans/gtoken.py", line 59, in _update
    code = unicode(self.RE_TKK.search(r.text).group(1)).replace('var ', '')
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'

18 Answers 18


Update 06.12.20: A new 'official' alpha version of googletrans with a fix was released

Install the alpha version like this:

pip install googletrans==3.1.0a0

Translation example:

translator = Translator()
translation = translator.translate("Der Himmel ist blau und ich mag Bananen", dest='en')
#output: 'The sky is blue and I like bananas'

In case it does not work, try to specify the service url like this:

from googletrans import Translator
translator = Translator(service_urls=['translate.googleapis.com'])
translator.translate("Der Himmel ist blau und ich mag Bananen", dest='en')

See the discussion here for details and updates: https://github.com/ssut/py-googletrans/pull/237

Update 10.12.20: Another fix was released

As pointed out by @DesiKeki and @Ahmed Breem, there is another fix which seems to work for several people:

pip install googletrans==4.0.0-rc1

Github discussion here: https://github.com/ssut/py-googletrans/issues/234#issuecomment-742460612

In case the fixes above don't work for you

If the above doesn't work for you, google_trans_new seems to be a good alternative that works for some people. It's unclear why the fix above works for some and doesn't for others. See details on installation and usage here: https://github.com/lushan88a/google_trans_new

#pip install google_trans_new

from google_trans_new import google_translator  
translator = google_translator()  
translate_text = translator.translate('สวัสดีจีน',lang_tgt='en')  
#output: Hello china
  • 2
    For me this works also without specifying url. Translating between en and es though.
    – ludgo
    Commented Dec 5, 2020 at 11:20
  • you are right, now it's working for me too without specifying the service URL. I suppose there was another fix
    – Moritz
    Commented Dec 6, 2020 at 19:29
  • 3
    @Moritz update, it suddenly stopped working for me, returning original word instead of spanish translation. Had to switch to google_trans_new
    – ludgo
    Commented Dec 7, 2020 at 12:45
  • 2
    @Moritz I had the same issue as @ludgo. The package worked thoo like for 3 days then after that it just returns the same text. I tried putting the service_urls but it gives the famous error which is about the token and still same text. I'm not sure why this happen tho but I posted an issue on the github. (link)[github.com/ssut/py-googletrans/issues/254]
    – Ice Bear
    Commented Dec 8, 2020 at 10:08
  • 3
    @StackOffended: the contributors py-googletrans and google_trans_new are not the same people according to github. Another friend of mine installed the py-googletrans alpha version described above and it worked for them. (I just tried it again, it it still works for me). the best approach is probably to try the alpha version and if it doesn't work for you, switch to google_trans_new. No idea where the issue comes from, unfortunately :/
    – Moritz
    Commented Dec 8, 2020 at 18:16

Update 01/12/2020: This issue re-emerged lately, (apparently) caused once again by some changes on the Google translation API.

A solution is being discussed (again) in this Github issue. Although there is not a definitive solution yet a Pull Request seem to be solving the problem: https://github.com/ssut/py-googletrans/pull/237.

While we wait for it to be approved it can be installed like this:

$ pip uninstall googletrans
$ git clone https://github.com/alainrouillon/py-googletrans.git
$ cd ./py-googletrans
$ git checkout origin/feature/enhance-use-of-direct-api
$ python setup.py install

Original Answer:

Apparently it's a recent and widespread problem on Google's side. Quoting various Github discussions, it happens when Google sends you directly the raw token.

It's being discussed right now and there is already a pull request to fix it, so it should be resolved in the next few days.

For reference, see:

https://github.com/ssut/py-googletrans/issues/48 <-- exact same problem reported on the Github repo https://github.com/pndurette/gTTS/issues/60 <-- seemingly same problem on a text-to-speech library https://github.com/ssut/py-googletrans/pull/78 <-- pull request to fix the issue

To apply this patch (without waiting for the pull request to be accepted) simply install the library from the forked repo https://github.com/BoseCorp/py-googletrans.git (uninstall the official library first):

$ pip uninstall googletrans
$ git clone https://github.com/BoseCorp/py-googletrans.git
$ cd ./py-googletrans
$ python setup.py install

You can clone it anywhere on your system and install it globally or while inside a virtualenv.

  • 1
    I'd say something went wrong while uninstalling the official library, with the fix installed it worked for me. Are you familiar with virtualenv? can you try creating a clean virtual environment, installing the pull request package and then running the example again? Also, check if you are actually able to use google translate from its web page
    – Maldus
    Commented Sep 22, 2018 at 15:26
  • 1
    No idea, sorry. I had this problem just today and found out about the fix alongside your question
    – Maldus
    Commented Sep 22, 2018 at 18:28
  • 3
    On your copy of code now facing this issue: ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
    – Raj Adroit
    Commented Sep 26, 2018 at 6:58
  • 4
    mh.. I uninstalled and gitcloned exactly as described above, but I'm still getting "AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'"
    – Moritz
    Commented Dec 2, 2020 at 13:22
  • 5
    For some reasons it only works when I add the service URL argument like this: translator = Translator(service_urls=['translate.googleapis.com'])
    – Moritz
    Commented Dec 2, 2020 at 13:34

Unfortunately, I could get neither googletrans nor google_trans_new to work, despite the many proposed fixes that are around.

My solution was to switch to the deep_translator package:

pip install -U deep-translator

Then you can use it like this:

>>> from deep_translator import GoogleTranslator
>>> GoogleTranslator(source='auto', target='de').translate("keep it up, you are awesome") 
'weiter so, du bist toll'

See documentation for more info.

  • Thanks. It's a cool tool. The problem I encountered with this tool is it cant translate more than 5000 char.
    – PinkBanter
    Commented Nov 28, 2022 at 17:13
  • The 5,000 character limit is per request, and afaik it is not a limitation of the package, but the Cloud Translation API. Their web page documents a 6,000,000 character per minute quota, so an option would be to break your text into chunks and make separate requests (see this comment.)
    – buddemat
    Commented Nov 29, 2022 at 19:26
  • I've been trying to figure out how to get around that limit by actually paying for the service. So far been unable :-( :shaking head:
    – Tom Hundt
    Commented Dec 1, 2022 at 2:12
  • After trying everything above this is the solution. I wonder why it's on the very bottom of the page while not being the least upvoted.
    – Peter.k
    Commented Apr 16, 2023 at 16:18
  • Worked like a Charm !! I tried nearly all versions of GoogleTrans before I tried this. Thanks ! 😊
    – Storm
    Commented Jul 31, 2023 at 8:12

Try google_trans_new. It solved the problem for me https://github.com/lushan88a/google_trans_new

pip install google_trans_new

from google_trans_new import google_translator  
translator = google_translator()  
translate_text = translator.translate('Hola mundo!', lang_src='es', lang_tgt='en')  
-> Hello world!
  • Any way to get the confidence of translation from here? I didn't find any. googletrans is capable of providing confidence.
    – hafiz031
    Commented Feb 16, 2021 at 7:51
  • Does this support .po files?
    – Sach
    Commented Oct 28, 2022 at 7:56
  • 1
    Got error: google_trans_new.google_trans_new.google_new_transError: 404 (Not Found) from TTS API. Probable cause: Unknown
    – Peter.k
    Commented Apr 16, 2023 at 16:05

By the time of this answer, you can solve it with the following:

Uninstall your installed version of

pip uninstall googletrans

Install the following version

pip install googletrans==4.0.0rc1

I hope this will works for you as it worked for me.

You can try it now:

from googletrans import Translator
translator = Translator()
ar = translator.translate('مرحبا').text

Note that 4.0.0rc1 is using an old version of httpx, if you are getting an error regarding that, you need to edit the file client.py, fix httpcore.SyncHTTPTransport to httpcore.AsyncHTTPProxy.

  • Confirming that this method solved the issue for me. Thanks Abdulkarim Malkadi!
    – GlennS
    Commented Jun 10, 2021 at 16:29
  • for me it produced this eror: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group' any solutions? thanks
    – brygid
    Commented Aug 8, 2021 at 19:19
  • Doesn't work for bulk translation :( Commented Sep 21, 2021 at 14:50
  • Thanks this worked for me. @Harrish-selvarajah I did a bulk translate using a function and a loop. This may work for you. python def trans(text, g_src, g_dest): ar = translator.translate(text,src=g_src, dest=g_dest).text return ar
    – bitFez
    Commented Dec 3, 2022 at 10:13

Updated Answer as of 2021 Sept

pip uninstall googletrans==4.0.0-rc1

pip install googletrans==3.1.0a0

The 3.1.0a0 version works with bulk translation too!

  • 1
    In case anyone else is looking for a working solution, as of Dec 2021 was the best one. Commented Dec 9, 2021 at 7:29
  • 1
    As of May 2022, this solution worked for me.
    – Maokai
    Commented May 5, 2022 at 18:27
  • As of 22-May-2022, this is working fantastically Commented May 22, 2022 at 4:41
  • Nope, this is not working anymore..?
    – guin0x
    Commented Sep 2, 2022 at 18:32

Update 10.12.20: New Alpha Version Release (Stable Release Candidate) is released: 4.0.0-rc1

It can be installed as follows:

pip install googletrans==4.0.0-rc1


translation = translator.translate('이 문장은 한글로 쓰여졌습니다.', dest='en')
>>This sentence is written in Korean.
detected_lang = translator.detect('mein english me hindi likh raha hoon')
>>Detected(lang=hi, confidence=None)
detected_lang = translator.detect('이 문장은 한글로 쓰여졌습니다.')
>>Detected(lang=ko, confidence=None)
  • 1
    It works for me July 29, 2021 in Python 3.7.3 on Debian 10. Thanks!
    – Poikilos
    Commented Jul 29, 2021 at 9:30
  • 2
    It works for me Feb 14, 2022 in Python 3.8.10 on Linux. Thanks! Commented Feb 15, 2022 at 2:17
  • 1
    It worked for me, 2nd Sep, 2022
    – guin0x
    Commented Sep 2, 2022 at 18:35
  • 1
    this works january 2023 Commented Jan 3, 2023 at 19:33

Here is an unofficial fix to this problem as Darkblader24 stated in: https://github.com/ssut/py-googletrans/pull/78

Update gtoken.py like this:

    RE_TKK = re.compile(r'TKK=eval\(\'\(\(function\(\)\{(.+?)\}\)\(\)\)\'\);',
    RE_RAWTKK = re.compile(r'TKK=\'([^\']*)\';',re.DOTALL)

    def __init__(self, tkk='0', session=None, host='translate.google.com'):
        self.session = session or requests.Session()
        self.tkk = tkk
        self.host = host if 'http' in host else 'https://' + host

    def _update(self):
        """update tkk
        # we don't need to update the base TKK value when it is still valid
        now = math.floor(int(time.time() * 1000) / 3600000.0)
        if self.tkk and int(self.tkk.split('.')[0]) == now:

        r = self.session.get(self.host)

        rawtkk = self.RE_RAWTKK.search(r.text)
        if rawtkk:
            self.tkk = rawtkk.group(1)
  • 2
    The other solution didn't work for me but this one did! Thanks!
    – rgargente
    Commented Oct 3, 2018 at 10:27
  • I replaced the code but it seem like it's not loaded while execution. I put some "prints". Does the script really uses this _update function?
    – Peter.k
    Commented Apr 16, 2023 at 15:40

This worked for me:

pip install googletrans==4.0.0-rc1

Original answer can be found here: https://github.com/ssut/py-googletrans/issues/234#issuecomment-742460612


Fixed is here https://pypi.org/project/py-translator/

$ pip3 install py_translator==1.8.9

from py_translator import Translator
s = Translator().translate(text='Hello my friend', dest='es').text

out:Hola mi amigo

pip uninstall googletrans googletrans-temp
pip install googletrans-temp

Worked for me in Win10 and Ubuntu 16 (Python 3.6) as of 2019.2.24 -- Refer to one of the replies in https://github.com/ssut/py-googletrans/issues/94. The old fix pip install git+https://github.com/BoseCorp/py-googletrans.git --upgrade does not work any more over here.

  • Need to restart the kernel when working on jupyter. Other than that, works great.
    – Dawn
    Commented Nov 5, 2018 at 8:01
  • Probably just need to reload, in Py3, e.g., import importlib; import googletrans; importlib.reload(googletrans)
    – mikey
    Commented Nov 6, 2018 at 4:09
  • Still doesn't work for me: ~~~import googletrans as gt translator = gt.Translator() translation = translator.translate('Hello') print(translation.text)~~~ ---> 66 code = unicode(self.RE_TKK.search(r.text).group(1)).replace('var ', '') 67 # unescape special ascii characters such like a \x3d(=) 68 if PY3: # pragma: no cover AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group' Commented Nov 29, 2018 at 0:08

googletrans is not supported in latest python so you need to unistall it

install new googletrans ( pip install googletrans==3.1.0a0)


This is how I fixed my problem.

pip3 uninstall googletrans
pip3 install googletrans==3.1.0a0

First you need to uninstall the previous version and the install the 3.1.0 version.


Use the translators package from here

  1. It works (;
  2. Supports more then google


pip install translators --upgrade


    >>> import translators as ts
    Using Israel server backend.
    >>> ts.google('שלום' , to_language = 'es')


Making the following change to gtoken made it work for me:

RE_TKK = re.compile(r'tkk:\'(.+?)\'')      

def __init__(self, tkk='0', session=None, host='translate.google.com'):
    self.session = session or requests.Session()
    self.tkk = tkk
    self.host = host if 'http' in host else 'https://' + host

def _update(self):
    """update tkk
    # we don't need to update the base TKK value when it is still valid
    r = self.session.get(self.host)        

    self.tkk = self.RE_TKK.findall(r.text)[0]

    now = math.floor(int(time.time() * 1000) / 3600000.0)
    if self.tkk and int(self.tkk.split('.')[0]) == now:

    # this will be the same as python code after stripping out a reserved word 'var'
    code = unicode(self.RE_TKK.search(r.text).group(1)).replace('var ', '')
    # unescape special ascii characters such like a \x3d(=)

I obtained this snippet from the ticket here.

Note that this is slightly different from other change suggested earlier by Kerem.

For other uninitiated folks like me, gtoken.py can be found within AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\site-packages\googletrans on a Windows machine using Anaconda. To find AppData, go into the address bar in file explorer, type '%AppData%', and hit Enter.


It turns out putting the call whithin a try/except block solved the problem for me

    langs = translator.detect(update.message.text)
    if langs.lang == 'en':
except Exception as e:

If you are using Google Colab or Jupyter Notebook, then run:

!pip uninstall googletrans

Restart the runtime, and then execute:

!pip install googletrans==4.0.0rc1

Try - pip install googletrans==3.1.0a0

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