I have made a React page. It initially gets data from my API, and stores it in state. The parent component makes a TextInput in a component for each row of data.

The TextInput value is from a prop. The onChange calls a method on the parent (through a prop given to the TextInput), which finds the appropriate index to update, updates it, then setState. It also sends a PUT to my API to update the data.

However it is pretty sluggish when typing. I can type fast and you can see it having a delay sometimes.

Any ideas?

update_sound(sound_transcript, sound_id) {
  var index = this.state.board.sounds.findIndex(sound => {
    return sound.id === sound_id;

  this.state.board.sounds[index].sound_transcript = sound_transcript;
    board: this.state.board

    .put("/api/v1/sounds/" + sound_id, {
      sound_transcript: sound_transcript
    .then(response => {
      //Handle success
      console.log("Update success");
    .catch(error => {
      //Handle error
      console.log("Update error: " + error);
    .then(() => {
      //Always executed


soundOnChange(event) {
  this.props.update_sound(event.target.value, this.props.sound.id);


  • 1
    You are making a remote request in every keystroke. It is better to change your logic somehow. Also, do not mutate your state like this: this.state.board.sounds[index].sound_transcript = sound_transcript;
    – devserkan
    Commented Sep 23, 2018 at 22:44
  • Should I try to figure out immutability-helper, or make a copy and change that?
    – Grapehand
    Commented Sep 24, 2018 at 0:00
  • copy is a thing you should avoid in React/Redux/Anything_else_you_dont_want_mutation. For example, forget about direct assigning (never do this!), even Object.assign, or spread syntax or methods like .map only do shallow copies. If you change a nested property in the copied object then you will mutate the original one. So, you need to combine all those methods. I can't say much about immutability-helper since I don't use it. But, if you learn the basics and best practices you won't need it.
    – devserkan
    Commented Sep 24, 2018 at 0:08
  • So how do you change data if you're changing state? Idk how to even ask these questions, it is starting to become demented
    – Grapehand
    Commented Sep 24, 2018 at 0:27
  • I tried this.setState((state) => ({ [state.board.sounds[index].sound_transcript]: sound_transcript })); which I w
    – Grapehand
    Commented Sep 24, 2018 at 0:35


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