There seems to be some problem with the graph i'm plotting because the x-axis ticks aren't being placed in the right places.

It appears as if there's additional x-axis tick labels being added because they're not conforming to the rules I've been giving them.

Weird x-tick labels not rotating as required

As you can see above, the major ticks (dates i.e. 2018-09-22) are offset to the left a little bit. This gives the minor ticks (hours i.e. 06:00 AM) some space.

However not all of the minor ticks follow the rotation rule.

Adjusting the x-axis ticks

Here's the code I used to label the x axis ticks:

def label_x_axis(axis, title, dates, figure):


    axis.xaxis.set_minor_locator(mdates.HourLocator(np.arange(0, 25, 6)))

    axis.set_xticklabels(dates, rotation=60, horizontalalignment='right', minor=True, fontdict=(
            'fontsize': '6',
            'horizontalalignment': 'right'

    axis.set_xticklabels(dates, rotation=60, horizontalalignment='right', minor=False, fontdict=(
            'fontsize': '8',
            'horizontalalignment': 'right'

    # Create offset transform by 5 points in x direction
    dx, dy = -12 / 72.0, 0 / 72.0

    # offset = figure.dpi_scale_trans  # matplotlib.transforms.Affine2D().translate(dx, dy).rotate(0)

    # matrix
    offset = matplotlib.transforms.ScaledTranslation(dx, dy, figure.dpi_scale_trans)

    axis.xaxis.labelpad = 20

    dayFmt = mdates.DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d')
    hourFmt = mdates.DateFormatter('%H:%M %p')


    # apply offset transform to all x ticklabels.
    for label in axis.xaxis.get_majorticklabels():
        label.set_transform(label.get_transform() + offset)

Full Google Colaboratory example here.

  • @Lucas - There is a Google Colaboratory Python runnable script at the end of the question. Is that not a sufficient MCVE? Or is that not 'minimal' enough? It's not a whole project there, it's really just the plotting code.
    – dsapalo
    Sep 25, 2018 at 5:48
  • 1
    You let matplotlib automatically choose the locations of the ticks. But you manually set the labels for those automatically chosen ticks via set_ticklabels. Never use set_ticklabels this way. In this case I do not see the reason to use it at all. Just removing it should fix the issue. Sep 25, 2018 at 11:23


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