I want to get rid off these dashes on right scrollbar of the editor
It's like minimap to indicate the current highlightings in editor.
Update: I think this feature is Bar mode But still I don't know how to change it.
I'm using VS Code for OSX
I want to get rid off these dashes on right scrollbar of the editor
It's like minimap to indicate the current highlightings in editor.
Update: I think this feature is Bar mode But still I don't know how to change it.
I'm using VS Code for OSX
As you pointed out, VS scroll bar has 2 modes: Bar mode and Map mode.
To turn off annotations (in Bar mode):
In VS, go to: Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> All Languages -> Scroll Bars
Uncheck: Show annotations over vertical scroll bar
Go to Code > Preferences > Settings to open user settings and add following line "editor.selectionHighlight": false,
and it will stop highlighting selection.
You can customize the colors used in the overview ruler in your VS Code settings.json file. Use a transparent color such as "#fff0"
to hide the annotations. The list of annotations is in the VS Code docs here (search for overview ruler).
For example, to turn off selection highlighting, bracket matching, and modifications in the scrollbar, add this to your settings.json file:
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"editorOverviewRuler.wordHighlightForeground": "#fff0",
"editorOverviewRuler.bracketMatchForeground": "#fff0",
"editorOverviewRuler.addedForeground": "#fff0",
"editorOverviewRuler.deletedForeground": "#fff0",
"editorOverviewRuler.modifiedForeground": "#fff0",