I want to echo on dynamic url but when I use ? then it is working and when I use / then the url changing but nothing echo out.

 $pages = array("story1", "story2", "story3", "story4");

 if(isset($_GET['stroy2'])) { 
      echo "You are reading Story 2!";

 if(isset($_GET['stroy3'])) {
      echo "You are reading Story 3!";

  <form action="kids.php" method="post">

    // $i=2; here and below line is not working. This is the problem.
     <a href="http://www.abcd.com/kids.php/<?php echo $pages[$i];?>" <?php echo $pages[$i];?></a>

The line works when I use question mark "?" after kids.php? and the content is also changing:

<a href="http://www.abcd.com/kids.php?<?php echo $pages[$i];?>" <?php echo $pages[$i];?></a>

My problem is that I want to use / instead of question mark ?


1 Answer 1


You're looking for something that is called pretty URLs.

For example, if I have the page http://localhost/index.php?user=1 and want to turn it into http://localhost/users/1 you could add these lines to your .htaccess file.

Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On

RewriteRule ^user/(.*)$ ./index.php?user=$1

This stackoverflow question will most likely help you.

  • Thanks for the reply. Yes You are right and genius. I want to know there is not a number on the end its kids.php?story1 or kids.php?story2 .... how how to achieve this. Do I need to rewrite RewriteRule ^user/(.*)$ ./kids.php?story1, RewriteRule ^user/(.*)$ ./kids.php?story2, RewriteRule ^user/(.*)$ ./kids.php?story3 again and again.
    – Sarah
    Oct 3, 2018 at 14:19
  • @Sarah You should read up on regular expressions. In short, the RewriteRule above means: take whatever's inside the parenthesis (.*) and append it to the URL as a user parameter instead of the $1.
    – DanMan
    Oct 3, 2018 at 14:23
  • Look at the comment that @DanMan placed. He explains it very well. Also, please consider accepting the anwser so other people with similar problems can find a solution as well.
    – rpm192
    Oct 3, 2018 at 14:27

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