I have created an HA kubernetes cluster with kubeadm version 1.11.2 and installed calico CNI plugin which is up and running. I am trying to create a deployment with a docker image. It successfully created the deployment and created a container on the node but the container is failing to communicate to the outside world other than the node on which it's hosted (with the IP).

I have logged into the container and tried to ping the masters and other nodes it's failing.

Can anyone help me in resolving this issue?

1 Answer 1


Hard to tell, but has to be an issue with Calico/CNI. Are all your Calico pods ready on all your nodes, like this:

$ kubectl get pods -n kube-system
NAME                                                                 READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
calico-node-xxxxx                                                    2/2       Running   0          15h

You can check the CNI configs under /etc/cni/net.d Maybe your install-cni.sh container in your Calico pod didn't initialize the configs? For example:

  "name": "k8s-pod-network",
  "cniVersion": "0.3.0",
  "plugins": [
      "type": "calico",
      "log_level": "info",
      "datastore_type": "kubernetes",
      "nodename": "<node-name>",
      "mtu": 1500,
      "ipam": {
        "type": "host-local",
        "subnet": "usePodCidr"
      "policy": {
        "type": "k8s"
      "kubernetes": {
        "kubeconfig": "/etc/cni/net.d/calico-kubeconfig"
      "type": "portmap",
      "snat": true,
      "capabilities": {"portMappings": true}

Normally, your container will have an interface and podCidr IP assigned to it, so after you shell into the pod/containers you can check with $ ifconfig

  • Thanks for the reply Rico. yeah, i can see all the calico pods are running fine and it initialized install-cni container and it's running. and i have verified the ip forwarding on all the nodes, it's enabled.
    – Raghu.k
    Oct 3, 2018 at 18:45
  • Do the pods/containers in question have a network interface?
    – Rico
    Oct 3, 2018 at 19:13

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