Short version:

How do I use PyInstaller from within a Python script, instead of from the terminal?

What would I need to write inside a Python script to get the equivalent of writing this in the terminal:

>python -m PyInstaller --noconsole --name WorkLogger ../WorkLogger/main.py

Long version:

I'm using a library that requires using PyInstaller to distribute an executable. But I have to run PyInstaller once, then change the spec files, then run the spec file through PyInstaller.

So in the terminal I would've done this:

>python -m PyInstaller --noconsole --name WorkLogger ../WorkLogger/main.py

After this is done running, I manually change the spec file. Then I run:

>python -m PyInstaller WorkLogger.spec

I've written a script that does the manual labor for me, by running


But I ultimately want to do all of this in one Python script. I want to be able to type something like this:

>distribute_python_project.py ./Worklogger

This means my Python script would need to look something like this:

#python -m PyInstaller --noconsole --name WorkLogger ../WorkLogger/main.py
#Code from change_spec.py
#python -m PyInstaller WorkLogger.spec

But I can't figure out how I use PyInstaller from a python script, instead of from the terminal. Is this possible? (The library I use is Kivy, for those interested).

  • Could you use a subprocess to do the job?
    – Employee
    Commented Oct 3, 2018 at 22:56
  • You could call terminal commands in python script like this
    – Canh
    Commented Oct 3, 2018 at 23:00
  • I'm able to run the commands with subprocess. But I see now that for me to run the command, I have to be in a specific folder (the terminal has to be cd'd into the folder). Are there any ways you know of to achieve that through subprocess?
    – Humilton
    Commented Oct 3, 2018 at 23:10
  • I figured it out. Thanks for the tip!
    – Humilton
    Commented Oct 3, 2018 at 23:16

3 Answers 3


Berniiiii's answer was correct but not straight to the point and I personally found it a bit confusing.

this is an answer from the official docs: running-pyinstaller-from-python-code

import PyInstaller.__main__


Is equivalent to:

pyinstaller my_script.py --onefile --windowed
  • 1
    using this approach, how would command look like if I want to add extra search paths, binaries, etc etc? I know this is example from docs and docs dont expalin any complex commands so I'm not sure what to do.
    – Dariusz
    Commented Jan 16, 2021 at 11:48
  • 2
    Basically any string you would have on the command line, you make an entry in the array: PyInstaller.__main__.run([ 'some_script.py', '--name', 'my_exe_name', '--specpath', 'some_dir', '--paths', 'some_other_dir', '--onefile', '--windowed' ]) which means: write the full command line as you normally would, then break it into strings and then add a entry in the array, one for every string
    – JohnA
    Commented May 20, 2021 at 15:17

Thanks to Employee and Canh! Working proof of concept:


>python -m PyInstaller --noconsole --name WorkLogger ../WorkLogger/main.py

Python script:

subprocess.call(r"python -m PyInstaller --noconsole --name WorkLogger F:\KivyApps\WorkLogger\main.py")

If needed, you can start the subprocess from a specific working directory:

subprocess.call(r"python -m PyInstaller --noconsole --name WorkLogger F:\KivyApps\WorkLogger\main.py", cwd=r"F:\KivyApps\WorkLogger_Dist")

You can even access directly to PyInstaller's module using spec file if you want. In this example this with different locations of spec-file, dist-dir and build-dir.

import PyInstaller

# my spec file in "dev\config" dir
workdir = os.getcwd()
fn_msi_spec = os.path.join(workdir, 'main_msi.spec')

# define the "dev\dist" and "dev\build" dirs
devdir = os.getcwd()
distdir = os.path.join(devdir, 'dist')
builddir = os.path.join(devdir, 'build')

# call pyinstaller directly
PyInstaller.__main__.run(['--distpath', distdir, '--workpath', builddir, fn_msi_spec])
  • Note: this works but it affects any loggers you have set up. So for example, logging before PyInstaller.__main__ works fine. Then after the call, any line you add logger.info(xx) will be printed twice. Once by your logger, once by PyInstaller's logger. No idea why...
    – JohnA
    Commented May 20, 2021 at 15:14

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