I am using PyPDF2 to extract the data from PDF file and then converting into Text format?

PDF format for the file is like this:

Name : John 
Address: 123street , USA 
Phone No:  123456
Gender: Male 

Name : Jim 
Address:  456street , USA 
Phone No:  456899
Gender: Male 

In Python I am using this code:

import PyPDF2
pdf_file = open('C:\\Users\\Desktop\\Sampletest.pdf', 'rb')
read_pdf = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(pdf_file)
number_of_pages = read_pdf.getNumPages()
page = read_pdf.getPage(0)
page_content = page.extractText()

This is the outcome which I get from page_content:

 'Name : John \n \nAddress: 123street , USA \n \nPhone No:  123456\n \nGender: Male \n \n \nName : Jim \n \nAddress:  456street , USA \n \nPhone No:  456899\n \nGender: Male \n \n \n'

How do I format it in a JSON or XML format so that I could use extracted data in SQL server database.

I tried using this approach as well

import json
data = json.dumps(page_content)
formatj = json.loads(data)
print (formatj)


Name : John 
Address: 123street , USA 
Phone No:  123456
Gender: Male 

Name : Jim 
Address:  456street , USA 
Phone No:  456899
Gender: Male 

This is the same output which I have in my word file, but I don't think that this is in JSON format.

  • Where are you running this code? In the REPL? Have you tried print(page_content) instead? Having one variable on a line by itself doesn't produce any output in a script Commented Oct 6, 2018 at 3:57
  • What have you tried so far?
    – Klaus D.
    Commented Oct 6, 2018 at 3:59

1 Answer 1


Not so pretty, but this would get the job done, I think. You would get a dictionary which then gets printed by the json parser in a nice, pretty format.

import json    

def get_data(page_content):
    _dict = {}
    page_content_list = page_content.splitlines()
    for line in page_content_list:
        if ':' not in line:
        key, value = line.split(':')
        _dict[key.strip()] = value.strip()
    return _dict

page_data = get_data(page_content)
json_data = json.dumps(page_data, indent=4)

or, instead of those last 3 lines, just do this:

print(json.dumps(get_data(page_content), indent=4))
  • Thanks @UtahJarHead for the answer but it seems like I can only extract only one of the people information. In my case, I am getting this output. { "Name": "Jim", "Address": "456street , USA", "Phone No": "456899", "Gender": "Male" }
    – Avi
    Commented Oct 6, 2018 at 14:58
  • Right. The function I created, you are going to have to pick out each individual section. For instance, each time you see "Name:", you grab what's been gathered and shove it to the get_data() function, process it, and head over to get the next person's data. Commented Oct 6, 2018 at 18:21

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