I added a kendo UI MVC library, I had to update my MVC to the latest version (5.3.6) in order to make it all function...

but now when I run my application, the Html.editorFor contains only a single class k-textbox (which are kendo UI classes) even though I am adding the class form-control to it.

This editorFor

@Html.EditorFor(model => model.leverancier.leveranciernaam, new { htmlAttributes = new { @class = "form-control disabled" } })

creates this Html:

<input class="k-textbox" data-val="true" data-val-length="Het veld naam moet een tekenreeks met een maximumlengte van 255 zijn." data-val-length-max="255" id="leverancier_leveranciernaam" name="leverancier.leveranciernaam" value="Bauerfeind">

so where's my form-control class?


the application used to be an Asp.Net mvc 5 app. but in order for kendo to work I had to convert it to a Telerik Application.

  • Kendo adds some templates to \Shared\EditorTemplates for string, datetime, etc. I wonder if @Html.Kendo.TextBoxFor is overriding your class? Try Html.TextBoxFor instead of EditorFor. Oct 9, 2018 at 19:37
  • Hi @SteveGreene, I thought so too. so I excluded them from my project but still it happens. I've also tried commenting out the scripts and styles but still all my textboxes contain none of the classes I told them to have. yet they just contain "k-textbox"
    – FllnAngl
    Oct 10, 2018 at 6:41

1 Answer 1


This is an old question but I wanted to confirm @SteveGreene's suggestion that templates could be the culprit here. @FllnAngl tried excluding the EditorTemplates from the project. Thank you both for putting me on the right path.

I had the same issue and not only removed the Views\Shared\EditorTemplates folder from my MVC project but also deleted the *.cshtml files in that folder. This solved my problem completely.

The Telerik UI for MVC, using the Editor Templates, was silently replacing the @Html.EditorFor with @Html.Kendo().TextBoxFor and therefore in my views was replacing the css class form-control with k-textbox, which affected input width.

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