I need to create a list of part numbers, which shows all other sub parts that are used to create that first part.
So for example part 12345 is built by combining abc and def.
I have a list of the top level parts, and a second list with two columns showing the top level on the left, and the sub part on the right.
| Top Level Part | | Top Level Part | Sub Part |
| 123456 | | 123456 | abc |
| 234567 | | 123456 | def |
| 234567 | ghi |
| 234567 | jkl |
| abc | yyy |
| abc | zzz |
| yyy | 000000 |
I have used a for each loop to look through each part in the first table and compare it to the second, returning each sub part to the right. However I am struggling to go deeper than one level.
What I want to be able to do is once the sub part is found to loop back through the list looking for that part number and returning it's sub part. And continuing until the part is no longer found. Effectively giving me a tree.
The loop I am using initially is this:
Dim topList as range, top as range
Dim lookupList as range, lookup as range
Dim i as integer
Set topList = .sheets("Sheet1").range("A2:A100")
set lookupList = .sheets("Sheet2").Range("A2:A1000")
i = 1
For Each top in topList
For Each lookup in lookupList
If (top = lookup) then
top.offset(0, i).value = lookup.offset(0, 1))
i = i + 1
End If
Next lookup
Next top
I have considered using a while loop inside of this which would re scan the list for the sub part, changing the variable to the new part number each time one is found, and stop running once the part doesn't exist in the list.
I can't come up with a working way to implement this though.