I have a data logging system running on an STM32F7 which is storing data using FatFs by ChaN to an SD card: http://elm-chan.org/fsw/ff/00index_e.html
Each new set of data is stored in a separate file withing a directory. During post-processing on the device, each file is read and then deleted. After testing the open, read, delete sequence in a directory with 5000 files I found that the further through the directory I scanned the slower it got.
At the beginning this loop would take around 100-200ms, 2000 files in and now it takes 700 ms. Is there a quicker way of storing, reading, deleting data? or configuring FatFs?
edit: Sorry should have specified, I am using FAT32 as the FAT file system
f_opendir(&directory, "log");
while(1) {
f_readdir(&directory, &fInfo);
if(fInfo.fname[0] == 0) {
//end of the directory
if(fInfo.fname[0] == '.') {
//ignore the dot entries
if(fInfo.fattrib & AM_DIR) {
//its a directory (shouldnt be here), ignore it
sprintf(path, "log/%s", fInfo.fname);
f_open(&file, path, FA_READ);
f_read(&file, rBuf, btr, &br);
//process data...
f_unlink(path); //delete after processing