I have an AngularDart site in a docker container, with a Nginx routing in front like: http://<ip>/site. I can attach to the container and start webdev serve.

But when I curl http://<ip>/site
I get:

Could not find web/site/index.html or any files in web/site

In my attempt to solve this I am looking at the following description:

In this routing description:

  // WARNING: DO NOT set the <base href> like this in production!
  // Details: https://webdev.dartlang.org/angular/guide/router
  (function () {
    var m = document.location.pathname.match(/^(\/[-\w]+)+\/web($|\/)/);
    document.write('<base href="' + (m ? m[0] : '/') + '" />');

Update: If I fix set:

document.write('<base href="/site/"/>');

It works with an error in the browser unable to find main.js - but it still works.

Do you know how to fix the routing problem og maybe just what is the /web($|\/)/ doing?

  • Is this for production or development? Oct 19, 2018 at 8:57
  • It is for development. If production I think we should set a fixed/constant ref in <base href=/site/.
    – Chris G.
    Oct 19, 2018 at 9:00
  • It must be something with the routing as it works if I run it on localhost. I just need to run in container as it connect to other containers on kubernetes.
    – Chris G.
    Oct 19, 2018 at 9:16


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