On developers machines, when using aws --configure and s3cmd configure, the AWS key and secret are stored in a plain text file.

For security reasons I'd like the secret, at least, to be kept in a secure and encrypted way, using MAC keychain for example.

Env variables don't seem like a solution as they would also need to be kept securely.

Is there any way to store the keys in a secure way?

(As a side note, no need to mention that all machines have passwords and the keys have the minimum needed permissions in AWS and there are other security methods in place.)

  • What is the threat vector that you're trying to secure against?
    – kdgregory
    Oct 21, 2018 at 15:00
  • Stealing keys, the same reason as you store passwords encrypted
    – SimonW
    Oct 21, 2018 at 15:04
  • Who steals those keys? Are you concerned about someone losing their laptop, or about a person inside your company that sees an unattended laptop and cats the config file? Or something else?
    – kdgregory
    Oct 21, 2018 at 15:13
  • 1
    My point is that, depending on the vector, you may want to take different approaches to security. For example, is it reasonable to require your developers to hit a website to get security credentials for their session? How about if those credentials only last an hour?
    – kdgregory
    Oct 21, 2018 at 15:14

2 Answers 2


Instead of long-term credentials (AWS IAM Access Keys), you can use short-term credentials by leveraging AWS SSO & AWS Organizations. The short-term credentials are not encrypted though, but temporarily valid (can be configured).

see https://latanassov.dev/aws/2020-01-23/aws-sso-aws-cli.html

  • the link is down.
    – bebbi
    Jan 23, 2023 at 10:04

I'm using the credential_process key in my ~/.aws/config file as a way to achieve this. You set it to a command to run that will print the credentials to stdout. I'm using a bash script around pass, but you can use whatever you want.

For example, we'll configure a profile simonw by setting this in ~/.aws/config

[profile simonw]
credential_process = get-my-creds-cmd
output = json

...then we need that get-my-creds-cmd command to exist on the $PATH, or you can reference it with an absolute path. We'll create the command as a bash script:

accessKey=AKIA...  # TODO get this from somewhere secure
secretKey=...      # TODO get this from somewhere secure

cat << HEREDOC
  "Version": 1,
  "AccessKeyId": "$accessKey",
  "SecretAccessKey": "$secretKey"

Make sure that bash script is on the $PATH and chmod +x it so it can be executed.

Now we can test it works

aws sts get-caller-identity --profile simonw

If you implemented the bash script to read MAC Keychain, you might get prompted for a password to unlock the keychain.

I got this idea from this blog. Also, here's the official AWS docs.

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