I have a class which manages a resource (a network socket).

I have written a class ConnectionHandler which handles a network socket created from a call to accept().

This class is designed with RAII in mind, when accept() is called, the returned socket is placed into a ConnectionHandler, when this goes out of scope the destructor closes the socket.

I'm also keeping track of all my open ConnectionHandler's by saving them in a map (Maps the socket address (IP:Port) to the ConnectionHandler that corresponds to that address).

I'm having a problem "emplacing" these ConnectionHandler's into the map though.

I've made it so that a ConnectionHandler can't be copied (at least I believe I've made it so), but when calling std::map::emplace, the ConnectionHandler's destructor is called (presumably to delete a temporary object created somewhere along the line) and the socket is closed.

As you can see, this creates a problem, because now the socket can't be used further down the program.

Is there any way for me to prevent the ConnectionHandler's destructor being called when emplacing it into a std::map?

Here's the code for the ConnectionHandler: Header file:

class ConnectionHandler
        constexpr static long BUFFER_SIZE = 1 << 12;    // 4K Buffer

        SocketAddress peer;             // This is kept around to be able to produce clear exception messages when something goes wrong
        SocketFileDescriptor socket;    // using SocketFileDescriptor = int;

        ConnectionHandler() noexcept = delete;                                      // Default Constructor

        explicit ConnectionHandler(SocketFileDescriptor socket, const SocketAddress& socketAddress) noexcept;   // Value Constructor

        ConnectionHandler (ConnectionHandler&& handler) noexcept;                   // Move Constructor

        ConnectionHandler (const ConnectionHandler& handler) = delete;              // Delete Copy Constructor

        ConnectionHandler& operator= (ConnectionHandler&& handler) noexcept;        // Move Assignment Operator

        ConnectionHandler& operator= (const ConnectionHandler& handler) = delete;   // Delete Copy Assignment Operator

        ~ConnectionHandler();                                                       // Destructor

        void close() noexcept;                                                      // Allow the owner to manually close the socket if necessary

        void set_blocking (bool blocking) const;                                    // Make the socket either blocking or non-blocking

        friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& stream, const ConnectionHandler& handler);   // Receive data from the socket

        friend std::istream& operator>> (std::istream& stream, const ConnectionHandler& handler);   // Send data to the socket

And the implementation:

ConnectionHandler::ConnectionHandler(SocketFileDescriptor socket, const SocketAddress& socketAddress) noexcept: peer(socketAddress), socket(socket)

ConnectionHandler::ConnectionHandler(ConnectionHandler&& handler) noexcept: peer(std::move(handler.peer)), socket(handler.socket)

ConnectionHandler& ConnectionHandler::operator=(ConnectionHandler&& handler) noexcept
    this->peer = std::move(handler.peer);
    this->socket = handler.socket;
    return *this;

    if (this->socket > 0)   //  Check if the socket has been closed manually
                            //  Don't bother setting the socket to -1, the object is being destroyed anyway
        std::cout << "Closing socket from destructor " << this->socket << std::endl;

void ConnectionHandler::close() noexcept
    std::cout << "Closing socket from close() " << this->socket << std::endl;   // Close the socket manually and indicate it is closed by setting it's value to -1
    this->socket = -1;


This is what the SocketAddress class looks like (Doesn't work for IPv6, I'm aware):

class SocketAddress
        std::array<std::uint8_t, 4> ip;
        std::uint16_t port;

        friend void swap (SocketAddress& sa1, SocketAddress& sa2) noexcept;

        SocketAddress() noexcept;

        explicit SocketAddress(struct sockaddr_storage* sockaddrStorage);

        SocketAddress (const SocketAddress& address) = default;

        SocketAddress (SocketAddress&& address) noexcept = default;

        SocketAddress& operator= (SocketAddress address);

        friend bool operator< (const SocketAddress& lhs, const SocketAddress& rhs) noexcept;

        friend std::string to_string(const SocketAddress& address) noexcept;

And finally, here's the code that creates the ConnectionHandler and places it in a map:

void Server::listenLoop()   // acceptLoop() would be a better name

    struct sockaddr_storage remoteAddr;

    while(!stop)    // stop is a std::atomic<bool>
        [...]   // accept() connections in a loop

        SocketAddress address = SocketAddress(&remoteAddr);
        this->incomingSockets.emplace(std::make_pair(address, ConnectionHandler(childFileDesc, address)));


This function runs on a thread separate from the main thread, the thread is kept in the Server object and is joined in the Server object's destructor.

  • 1
    Please note that zero is a valid filedescriptor, so in ~ConnectionHandler(), use if (socket != -1).
    – G. Sliepen
    Commented Oct 21, 2018 at 13:01

2 Answers 2


In your move constructor/assignment operator you need to invalidate the moved from objects. The destructors will still be called on the moved from objects. If their socket is not 0 then the destructor will still call close on the fd.

  • insted of the original, put «socket{std::exchange(handler.socket,-1)}» in mv ctor and «this->socket=std::exchange(handler.socket,-1)» in mv assign.
    – Red.Wave
    Commented Oct 21, 2018 at 13:57

Your move operations are broken as they leave you with two objects referencing the same socket. You need to put a dummy (invalid) socket value to the moved-from object, and check for that in the destructor.

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