I want to add zip files to my word document with bookmark embedded. I can add .pdf, .doc, .txt or .xls file but i can not add .zip files to my word document. How can i do this? Is it class type problem?
Bookmark bmEmbedded = doc.Bookmarks["ek10"];
object classType = "Word.Document.12";
if (uzanti.Contains(".doc")) classType = "Word.Document.15";
else if (uzanti.Contains(".xls")) classType = "Excel.Sheet";
else if (uzanti.Contains(".txt")) classType = "Text Document";
**else if (uzanti.Contains(".msg")) classType = "Outlook.Item";**
else if (uzanti.Contains(".pdf") || uzanti2.Contains(".pdf")) classType = "AcroRd32.Document";
wordApp.Selection.Range.InlineShapes.AddOLEObject(ClassType: classType, FileName: embeddedFilePath2, DisplayAsIcon: true, LinkToFile: false, IconFileName: labelControl64.Text);