I'm really new to common Lisp and having some struggles. I'm working on a function that given x, y and an array with the index for vertical value returns NIL if there's any element diagonal from (x y).

(defun diagonal? (x y array)
    (loop for line from 0 to 19 do
        (let (col (aref array line)) (
            (if (= col -1) (return-from diagonal? t))
            (let (diag (= (abs (- x line)) (abs (- y col)))) (
                if (= diag T) (return-from diagonal? NIL))
    return T

When I try this function however, I get the following error:

; caught ERROR:
;   The LET binding spec (AREF ARRAY LINE) is malformed.

;         (X Y ARRAY)
;         (LOOP FOR LINE FROM 0 TO 19
;               DO (LET (COL #)
;                    (# #)))
;         RETURN
;         T))

2 Answers 2


First and extremely important: use automatic indentation.

(defun diagonal? (x y array)
  (loop for line from 0 to 19 do
        (let (col (aref array line)) (
                                      (if (= col -1) (return-from diagonal? t))
                                      (let (diag (= (abs (- x line)) (abs (- y col)))) (
                                                                                        if (= diag T) (return-from diagonal? NIL))
  return T

Then your code looks strange with long lines: never put parentheses on their own line and never end a line with an open parenthesis.


(defun diagonal? (x y array)
  (loop for line from 0 to 19 do
        (let (col (aref array line))
          ((if (= col -1)
               (return-from diagonal? t))
           (let (diag (= (abs (- x line))
                         (abs (- y col))))
             (if (= diag T)
                 (return-from diagonal? NIL))))))
  return T)

Second: LET expects a list of bindings. A single binding is a variable or (variable value):

(defun diagonal? (x y array)
  (loop for line from 0 to 19 do
        (let ((col (aref array line)))
          ((if (= col -1)
               (return-from diagonal? t))
           (let ((diag (= (abs (- x line))
                          (abs (- y col)))))
             (if (= diag T)
                 (return-from diagonal? NIL))))))
  return T)

Third: LET expects a body of Lisp forms. That is zero or more Lisp forms:

(defun diagonal? (x y array)
  (loop for line from 0 to 19 do
        (let ((col (aref array line)))
          (if (= col -1)
               (return-from diagonal? t))
          (let ((diag (= (abs (- x line))
                         (abs (- y col)))))
            (if (= diag T)
                (return-from diagonal? NIL)))))
  return T)

Fourth: = expects numbers as arguments. T is not a number. = already returns T or NIL which we can test.

(defun diagonal? (x y array)
  (loop for line from 0 to 19 do
        (let ((col (aref array line)))
          (if (= col -1)
              (return-from diagonal? t))
          (if (= (abs (- x line))
                 (abs (- y col)))
              (return-from diagonal? NIL))))
  return T)

Fifth: return T is not a valid Lisp form. We can just return T directly.

(defun diagonal? (x y array)
  (loop for line from 0 to 19 do
        (let ((col (aref array line)))
          (if (= col -1)
              (return-from diagonal? t))
          (if (= (abs (- x line))
                 (abs (- y col)))
              (return-from diagonal? NIL))))

Sixth: we don't need the LET for col, we can replace it with another FOR in the LOOP.

(defun diagonal? (x y array)
  (loop for line from 0 to 19
        for col = (aref array line)
        (if (= col -1)
            (return-from diagonal? t))
        (if (= (abs (- x line))
               (abs (- y col)))
            (return-from diagonal? NIL))))

Seventh: multiple IF can be written as a single COND.

(defun diagonal? (x y array)
  (loop for line from 0 to 19
        for col = (aref array line)
        do (cond ((= col -1)
                  (return-from diagonal? t))
                 ((= (abs (- x line))
                     (abs (- y col)))
                  (return-from diagonal? nil))))

Eigth: for from 0 to n can be replaced by below (+ n 1) or upto n

(defun diagonal? (x y array)
  (loop for line below 20
        for col = (aref array line)
        do (cond ((= col -1)
                  (return-from diagonal? t))
                 ((= (abs (- x line))
                     (abs (- y col)))
                  (return-from diagonal? nil))))

Ninth: since (RETURN-FROM ... T) returns from a function which returns T explicitly by default, we can replace it with an UNTIL clause in the loop:

(defun diagonal? (x y array)
  (loop for line below 20
        for col = (aref array line)
        until (= col -1)
        when (= (abs (- x line))
                (abs (- y col)))
        do (return-from diagonal? nil))

Tenth: since col is just the iterating the values of the array:

(defun diagonal? (x y array)
  (loop for line below 20
        for col across array
        until (= col -1)
        when (= (abs (- x line))
                (abs (- y col)))
        do (return-from diagonal? nil))

Eleventh: suggestion by @Coredump, use NEVER. The default return value of the LOOP is now T. Return only then nil, when the never clause fails.

(defun diagonal? (x y array)
  (loop for line below 20
        for col across array
        until (= col -1)
        never (= (abs (- x line))
                 (abs (- y col)))))
  • 3
    eleventh? use "never" and not "return-from"?
    – coredump
    Oct 24, 2018 at 4:50

According to the CLHS a let has the following structure:

(let (var  (var2 expression))
  body ...)

Here the first binding has no value, but it is the same as writing:

(let ((var nil) (var2 expression))
  body ...)

Your bindings look like this:

(let (col                  ; col initialized to nil OK
     (aref array line))    ; variable aref initialized to?

Your variable aref should only have one expression. In fact it seems you are lacking a set of parentesis making it look a little like Clojure. Perhaps it should have been:

(let ((col (aref array line)))

Also I notice you have a ( on the same line as if you are making a block. That won't work since ((if ....)) is not valid Common Lisp code. You get the error that operator should be a named function or a lambda. let is a block so the start (let ...) makes a block so you can have numerous expressions inside without extra parentheses.

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