Im trying to use the key sign '}' inside a string of smarty template but it generate an error. The problem only ocurrs with '}' and not with '{´. I need print:

var naciones = [{label:'Country', value:'1'}, {label:'Country', value:'2'}];


var naciones = [{/literal}{foreach from=$paises item=pa}{literal}{label:"{/literal}{$pa->getNacionalidad()}{literal}", value:"{/literal}{$pa->getId()}{literal}"},{/literal}{/foreach}{literal}];


<script type="text/javascript">
var naciones = [{/literal}
{foreach from=$paises item=pa}
{'{label:"'|cat:$pa->getNacionalidad()|cat:'", value:"'|cat:$pa->getId()|cat:'"'}{cat:'"}, '}{/foreach}{literal}];
  change: function(event, ui){


2 Answers 2


You need the {literal} {/literal} tag to properly escape the curly braces in a Smarty template. Also necessary for inline Javascript which has braces.

  • Best to avoid inline Javascript anyway. Mar 14, 2011 at 16:22
  • thanks, i wrote: var naciones = [{/literal}{foreach from=$paises item=pa}{literal}{label:"{/literal}{$pa->getNacionalidad()}{literal}", value:"{/literal}{$pa->getId()}{literal}"},{/literal}{/foreach}{literal}];
    – returnvoid
    Mar 14, 2011 at 18:10

You can use {literal} to stop parsing. So a smarty template with a '{' would look like

This is just a text with a {$smartyString}
There is also an {literal} } {/literal} sign in here that could give you some trouble.
  • sure. im using literal tag but in my example there is a strange mix of opening/closed tags and i dont know how apply that principle.
    – returnvoid
    Mar 14, 2011 at 17:54

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