I have a numpy/pandas list of values:
a = np.random.randint(-100, 100, 10000)
b = a/100
I want to apply a custom cumsum function, but I haven't found a way to do it without loops. The custom function sets an upper limit of 1 and lower limit of -1 for the cumsum values, if the "add" to sum is beyond these limits the "add" becomes 0.
In the case that sum is between the limits of -1 and 1 but the "added" value would break beyond the limits, the "added" becomes the remainder to -1 or 1.
Here is the loop version:
def cumsum_with_limits(values):
cumsum_values = []
sum = 0
for i in values:
if sum+i <= 1 and sum+i >= -1:
sum += i
elif sum+i >= 1:
d = 1-sum # Remainder to 1
sum += d
elif sum+i <= -1:
d = -1-sum # Remainder to -1
sum += d
return cumsum_values
Is there any way to vectorize this? I need to run this function on large datasets and performance is my current issue. Appreciate any help!
Update: Fixed the code a bit, and a little clarification for the outputs: Using np.random.seed(0), the first 6 values are:
b = [0.72, -0.53, 0.17, 0.92, -0.33, 0.95]
Expected output:
o = [0.72, 0.19, 0.36, 1, 0.67, 1]
gives you the list of values such that their cumsum ever goes below -1 or above +1, right? So, what you want is that array of numbers, not the cumsum itself, is that correct?