My function returns a Vec of references to a tuple, but I need a Vec of tuples:

use std::collections::HashSet;

fn main() {
    let maxs: HashSet<(usize, usize)> = HashSet::new();
    let mins: HashSet<(usize, usize)> = HashSet::new();
    let intersection = maxs.intersection(&mins).collect::<Vec<&(usize, usize)>>();

How should I do the conversion?


19 |     maxs.intersection(&mins).collect::<Vec<&(usize, usize)>>()
   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected tuple, found reference
   = note: expected type `std::vec::Vec<(usize, usize)>`
          found type `std::vec::Vec<&(usize, usize)>`

I'm using a for loop to do the conversion, but I don't like it and I think there should be a mode idiomatic way:

for t in maxs.intersection(&mins).collect::<Vec<&(usize, usize)>>().iter() {

1 Answer 1


Update from 1.36.0

Rust 1.36.0 introduced copied which works like cloned, but uses the Copy trait, which has the requirement, that the copy is cheap (e.g. a memcpy only). If you have primitive types or types that implement Copy you can use that instead.

To make your example work, use cloned and then collect.

let maxs: HashSet<(usize,usize)> = HashSet::new();
let mins: HashSet<(usize,usize)> = HashSet::new();
let output: Vec<(usize, usize)> = maxs.intersection(&mins).cloned().collect();

This solution will work with any type than implements Clone:

pub fn clone_vec<T: Clone>(vec: Vec<&T>) -> Vec<T> {

If your function accepts a slice, you have to use cloned twice.

pub fn clone_slice<T: Clone>(slice: &[&T]) -> Vec<T> {

The reason for this is that iter() returns an iterator over references of the slice, which results in &&T.

If you happen to have a type that does not implement Clone, you can mimic the behavior with map

pub struct Foo(u32);

impl Foo {
    fn dup(&self) -> Self {

pub fn clone_vec(vec: Vec<&Foo>) -> Vec<Foo> {
    vec.into_iter().map(|f| f.dup()).collect()

pub fn clone_vec2(vec: Vec<&Foo>) -> Vec<Foo> {
    // this function is identical to `clone_vec`, but with another syntax


  • Yes, it works like a charm! The point was to add something before collect() and not after. Very well! But (I am just curious now) what happens if we already have a vector of references? and we want to convert them to vector of values? Should we use cloned() in this case too? Nov 2, 2018 at 9:56
  • 1
    Yes. Thefunction ret_tup does exactly that.
    – hellow
    Nov 2, 2018 at 10:09
  • This works for every type that implements Clone — perhaps you can show the generic version that literally works for any type that implements Clone?
    – Shepmaster
    Nov 2, 2018 at 12:56
  • 2
    you can't use into_iter — you can, and the function does own the slice, it just has the same problem.
    – Shepmaster
    Nov 2, 2018 at 13:20
  • 1
    @lucidbrot "the vector iterator iterates over references": it doesn't? The slice iter() function does. Do you mean that? If yes, the reason is that into_iter consumes the Vec which is not possible, because you only have a borrowed slice (&[T]). You don't own it, therefore you only can iterate over its references.
    – hellow
    Oct 7, 2019 at 6:23

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