I have bunch of constants which are business related and I have to store them in Angular.Something like below

 SCHOOL_CODE = [100,102,107];

I have a lot of them and they are kind of static ..I need them in most of my service classes. What is the best place to store them? Should i create a interface and let my service class inherit them? In java , we define a class of public static final constants and other classes uses them.Like this , what is the typescript way?

5 Answers 5


Define an abstract class for your constants:

export abstract class Constants {
  static readonly STUDENT_NAMES = ["JOHN", "BOB", "NICK"];
  static readonly TEACHER_NAME = ["HARRY", "CHRIS"];
  static readonly SCHOOL_CODE = [100, 102, 107];

(Edit: Types string[] and number[] are inferred by TS)

Then include this class whereever needed with import { Constants } from '...'; and use its values with const names: string[] = Constants.STUDENT_NAMES;

Regarding the naming I agree with @AdrianBrand to prefer names like studentNames, teacherNames and schoolCodes.

Edit: TypeScript 3.4 introduced so called const assertions, which might also be suited:

export const constants = {
  studentNames: ["JOHN", "BOB", "NICK"],
} as const;
  • 1
    Best way to create constants. Thanks. Commented Apr 29, 2021 at 16:15
  • abstract not really needed though imo - out of interest why use abstract here? Shoudnt devs update the source instead of adding more constants elsewere?
    – dalcam
    Commented Dec 9, 2022 at 0:07
  • 2
    @dalcam Yes, abstract is indeed not needed per se. But I like the idea not being able to instantiate Constants.
    – pzaenger
    Commented Dec 11, 2022 at 13:41

You put them in a TypeScript file and import them where needed.

export const STUDENT_NAMES: string[] = ["JOHN","BOB","NICK"];

Put it in student-names.ts

import { STUDENT_NAMES } from './path/cosnstants/student-names';

where you need it.

Personally I would name them studentNames and not STUDENT_NAMES but that is a matter of taste.


You can create a TS file constants.ts that contains all your constants :

export const constants = {
   SCHOOL_CODE: [100,102,107]

Then whenever you need a constant you can call it like this code bellow:

let studentsNames : any = constants.STUDENT_NAMES;


  • 4
    But then you are not explicitly declaring the types of the constants, so it isn't very typescripty, and they aren't constant - they can be reassigned.
    – Tom
    Commented Apr 1, 2019 at 14:56

you could try enums, this will allow you to define a set of named constants. Refer to this document.

enum Constants {
    SCHOOL_CODE = [100,102,107];

Add all your constants in environment.ts file - this is the best practice and there will be no change in the values basd on the environment specific

Add both in environment.ts and environment.prod.ts - this will be your global object and can be accessed at any level

Importing will be same as importing an interface or any class Thanks - Happy coding

  • 13
    I would only recommend using environment variables for things that change between dev, test and prod environments like api endpoints, I would not pollute it with every constant in your application. Commented Nov 7, 2018 at 0:58
  • Then you can export a separate const. File and get the data
    – Rahul
    Commented Nov 7, 2018 at 2:45

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