Take a JSON that has been converted to Map<String, Object>:

  "key1": "value1",
  "key2": {
    "nestedKey1": "nested value",
    "nestedKey2": {
      "nestedKey1": "nested value"

Where Object value could be some primitive type or a nested Map<String, Object>. My goal is to get a flat map:

  "key1": "value1",
  "key2.nestedKey1": "nested value",
  "key2.nestedKey2.nestedKey1": "nested value"

How? Any library that already does it?

2 Answers 2


Yes, you can do it in Java8 too.

Main test method:

   Map<String, Object> in = new HashMap<>();
   in.put("key1", "val1");
   Map<String, Object> lvl1 = new HashMap<>();
   lvl1.put("key2", "val2");
   lvl1.put("key3", Collections.singletonMap("k3", "v3"));
   in.put("key2", lvl1);

   Map<String, Object> out = flatten(in);

Transformer methods:

private Map<String, Object> flatten(Map<String, Object> in) {
    return in.entrySet().stream()
        .flatMap(entry -> flatten(entry).entrySet().stream())

private Map<String, Object> flatten(Map.Entry<String, Object> in) {
  // for other then Map objects return them
  if (!Map.class.isInstance(in.getValue())) {
    return Collections.singletonMap(in.getKey(), in.getValue());
  // extract the key prefix for nested objects
  String prefix = in.getKey();
  Map<String, Object> values = (Map<String, Object>) in.getValue();
  // create a new Map, with prefix added to each key
  Map<String, Object> flattenMap = new HashMap<>();
  values.keySet().forEach(key -> {
    // use a dot as a joining char
    flattenMap.put(prefix + "." + key, values.get(key));
  // use recursion to flatten the structure deeper
  return flatten(flattenMap);

There is a library called Json Flattener. I guess it will solve your problem. Include the library into your project using maven:


In your case:

  String json = "{ \"key1\": \"value1\", \"key2\": { \"nestedKey1\": \"nested value\", \"nestedKey2\": { \"nestedKey1\": \"nested value\" } } }";
  Map<String, Object> flattenJson = JsonFlattener.flattenAsMap(json);


{"key1":"value1","key2.nestedKey1":"nested value","key2.nestedKey2.nestedKey1":"nested value"}

  • Doesn't this assume that OP is using Maven?
    – mypetlion
    Commented Nov 7, 2018 at 19:45
  • 2
    That's exactly what I want. And I use Maven, yes. If you dont mind, I will await if someone else knows some java native way to achieve the same.
    – anat0lius
    Commented Nov 7, 2018 at 19:49
  • Sure. I would also be interested as well
    – Thiru
    Commented Nov 7, 2018 at 19:50

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