I have a table that looks like this:

| id   | product | prod_id |
| 1001 | Item 1  | P1001   |
| 1002 | Item 2  | P1001   |
| 1003 | Item 3  | P1003   |

My desired output is:

| id   | prod_id        |
| 1001 | Item 1, Item 2 |
| 1003 | Item 3         |

As you can see, Item 1 and 2 has the same prod_id.

This is what I tried:

select id, prod_id from table_name where prod_id = product;

Basically what I tried was to merge all the products with the same prod_id and then just display them as id & prod_id.

I am new to mySQL and would love some feedback on how I can do this. I am not sure if my logic is correct in trying to fix the issue.

1 Answer 1


You can try to use aggregate function MIN with GROUP_CONCAT

Schema (MySQL v5.7)

  id int,
  product varchar(50),
  prod_id varchar(50)

INSERT INTO T VALUES (1001,'Item 1','P1001');
INSERT INTO T VALUES (1002,'Item 2','P1001');
INSERT INTO T VALUES (1003,'Item 3','P1003');

Query #1

SELECT MIN(id) id,GROUP_CONCAT(product) prod_id        
GROUP BY prod_id;

| id   | prod_id       |
| ---- | ------------- |
| 1001 | Item 1,Item 2 |
| 1003 | Item 3        |

View on DB Fiddle

  • and in case you want to incorporate the id into the group you can extend the GROUP CONCAT to GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(product, " (", id, "("))
    – Moseleyi
    Nov 8, 2018 at 2:26
  • D-Shih, this is the perfect answer! Thank you for teaching me about the GROUP_CONCAT. I'll go study on it. And yes, I tried what you posted and it works exactly the way I need it to be. I'll mark your answer correct in 2 mins when it allows me to. Thank you D-Shih.
    – Gosi
    Nov 8, 2018 at 2:28
  • @gosi123 No problem glad to help you :)
    – D-Shih
    Nov 8, 2018 at 2:31

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