I searched a relevant question but couldn't find one. So my question is how do I sort an array based on an arbitrary order. For example, let's say the ordering is:
order_of_elements = ['cc', 'zz', '4b', '13']
and my list to be sorted:
list_to_be_sorted = ['4b', '4b', 'zz', 'cc', '13', 'cc', 'zz']
so the result needs to be:
ordered_list = ['cc', 'cc', 'zz', 'zz', '4b', '4b', '13']
please note that the reference list(order_of_elements) describes ordering and I don't ask about sorting according to the alphabetically sorted indices of the reference list.
You can assume that order_of_elements
array includes all the possible elements.
Any pseudocode is welcome.