It may not be a full answer to your question. But, if you give a look at the flatten_parameters
's source code , you will notice that it calls _cudnn_rnn_flatten_weight
NoGradGuard no_grad;
is the function that does the job. You will find that what it actually does is copying the model's weights into a vector<Tensor>
(check the params_arr
declaration) in:
// Slice off views into weight_buf
std::vector<Tensor> params_arr;
size_t params_stride0;
std::tie(params_arr, params_stride0) = get_parameters(handle, rnn, rnn_desc, x_desc, w_desc, weight_buf);
MatrixRef<Tensor> weight{weight_arr, static_cast<size_t>(weight_stride0)},
params{params_arr, params_stride0};
And the weights copying in
// Copy weights
_copyParams(weight, params);
Also note that they update (or Reset
as they explicitly say in docs) the original pointers of weights
with the new pointers of params
by doing an in-place operation .set_
is their notation for the in-place operations) in orig_param.set_(new_param.view_as(orig_param));
// Update the storage
for (size_t i = 0; i < weight.size(0); i++) {
for (auto orig_param_it = weight[i].begin(), new_param_it = params[i].begin();
orig_param_it != weight[i].end() && new_param_it != params[i].end();
orig_param_it++, new_param_it++) {
auto orig_param = *orig_param_it, new_param = *new_param_it;
And according to n2798 (draft of C++0x)
23.3.6 Class template vector
A vector is a sequence container that supports random access iterators. In addition, it supports (amortized)constant time insert and erase operations at the end; insert and erase in the middle take linear time. Storage management is handled automatically, though hints can be given to improve efficiency. The elements of a vector are stored contiguously, meaning that if v
is a vector <T, Allocator>
where T
is some type other than bool, then it obeys the identity&v[n] == &v[0] + n
for all 0 <= n < v.size()
In some situations
UserWarning: RNN module weights are not part of single contiguous chunk of memory. This means they need to be compacted at every call, possibly greately increasing memory usage. To compact weights again call flatten_parameters()
They explicitly advise people in code warnings to have a contiguous chunk of memory.