I'm trying to run the below code on bash, but each time I got error ( invalid arithmetic operator) could anyone help

   for i in $(seq 20);

            siesta < BiTeI.fdf > out_file  #do the operation
            lineno=939   # set the line number where the data you want to read is in
            newline=$(sed -n "${lineno}p" "out_file") # asign a veriable for the line from the txt file note to change the file name
            echo $newline >> output.txt  # print the line extracted to an out put file note to generate file before adding to it
            sed -i "30s/$a/${b}/" BiTeI.fdf  # update the input file for new parameters for a specific raw

  • i have tried this, but each time it says that bc: command not found
    – asem assaf
    Nov 13, 2018 at 18:01
  • 1
    It's hard to believe you don't have bc installed on your system. What is the output of uname -srv? Its more likely you have overwritten your normal $PATH variable. Start a new terminal, and issue the following cmd echo $PATH. Do you see names like /bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin? You should. If you do, now see if bc is available, ie. which bc. If it is now there, then look at your script for where you are resetting PATH, you need export PATH="/new/dir:$PATH". Good luck.
    – shellter
    Nov 13, 2018 at 18:22

3 Answers 3


When you get an error in bash, it's time to fall back to print-line debugging. Add a set -x to the top of the script, after the shebang line. Then re-run it. Bash will tell you what it's doing.

line 8: 4.18 + 0: syntax error: invalid arithmetic operator (error token is ".18 + 0")

So it's saying it doesn't know how to parse the parts after the 4: .18..... That's because bash doesn't actually support decimals: Bash C style arithmetic with floating point value

  • i understand the error but each time i use bc solution i get bc: command not found
    – asem assaf
    Nov 13, 2018 at 18:08
  • Well, you need to pick a program that provides math and decimal support, install it and then use it. If you need bc, install it. If you opt for python, install that. If you can't install any programs, find an installed tool that supports decimals. You must have some programming language on the machine (perl, python, php, ruby...), use that if you can't find anything else.
    – omajid
    Nov 13, 2018 at 18:12

i have tried this solution and it works for me


echo $result

   for i in $(seq 20);
            k=$(python -c "print($i/100)")
            a=$(python -c "print(4.18+$k)")
            b=$(python -c "print($a+0.01)")
            echo $k
            echo $a
            echo $b
            siesta < BiTeI.fdf > out_file  #do the operation
            lineno=939   # set the line number where the data you want to read is in
            newline=$(sed -n "${lineno}p" "out_file") # asign a veriable for the line from the txt file note to change the file name
           echo $newline >> output.txt  # print the line extracted to an out put file note to generate file before adding to it
            sed -i "30s/$a/${b}/" BiTeI.fdf  # update the input file for new parameters for a specific raw



  • 1
    Will be faster if you can read them all from a single python invocation. :) Nov 13, 2018 at 19:37

As much as I dislike awk, it can save you some headache.

$: cat x
for i in $(seq 20)
do read k a b <<< "$( echo "$i" | awk '{
      k = $1 / 100;
      a = 4.18 + k;
      b = a + 0.01;
      printf "%.2f %.2f %.2f\n", k, a, b;
   }' )"
   echo "i=$i k=$k a=$a b=$b"

$: ./x
i=1 k=0.01 a=4.19 b=4.20
i=2 k=0.02 a=4.20 b=4.21
i=3 k=0.03 a=4.21 b=4.22
i=4 k=0.04 a=4.22 b=4.23
i=5 k=0.05 a=4.23 b=4.24
i=6 k=0.06 a=4.24 b=4.25
i=7 k=0.07 a=4.25 b=4.26
i=8 k=0.08 a=4.26 b=4.27
i=9 k=0.09 a=4.27 b=4.28
i=10 k=0.10 a=4.28 b=4.29
i=11 k=0.11 a=4.29 b=4.30
i=12 k=0.12 a=4.30 b=4.31
i=13 k=0.13 a=4.31 b=4.32
i=14 k=0.14 a=4.32 b=4.33
i=15 k=0.15 a=4.33 b=4.34
i=16 k=0.16 a=4.34 b=4.35
i=17 k=0.17 a=4.35 b=4.36
i=18 k=0.18 a=4.36 b=4.37
i=19 k=0.19 a=4.37 b=4.38
i=20 k=0.20 a=4.38 b=4.39

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