We are trying to set up HTTPS access to our website that is being deployed using Elastic Beanstalk.
Here are the steps that we have taken:
Obtained a certificate from Amazon Certificate Manager.
In our EB application environment, under Configuration, we have added another listener to the Classic Load Balancer. The setting for this new listener is this:
Port: 443 Protocol: HTTPS Instance Port: 443 Instance Protocol: HTTPS SSL certificate: (certificate that we created in step 1)
Since adding this new listener created another Security Group that has an Inbound rule for 443, that security group was added to the instance.
Finally, we went to the Load Balancers page, and for the load balancer for this app, we added another listener with these settings:
Load Balancer Protocol: HTTPS Load Balancer Port: 443 Instance Protocol: HTTPS Instance Port: 443 Cipher: ELBSecurityPolicy-2016-08 (default) SSL Certificate: (certificate that we created in step 1)
But we are still unable to access our website through https. Any idea what else needs to be done?
Another point. In Step #4, if only 443 load balancer port is present with these settings:
HTTPS 443 HTTP 80 (cert)
then, the website is accessible through only https and not http.
So this tweak indicates that there is no problem with the certificate.
What are we missing in our configuration?