I have a dictionary as such:

{1:{'name':'john', 'age':26,'salary':50000},11:{'name':'peter', 'age':34, 'salary':70000},14:{'name': 'david', 'age': 21, 'salary': 15000}}

I would like to convert it to a dataframe like this:

name  age  salary
john  26   50000
peter 34   70000
david 21   15000

4 Answers 4


Use from_dict with orient='index':

pd.DataFrame.from_dict(d, orient='index')

     name  age  salary
1    john   26   50000
11  peter   34   70000
14  david   21   15000
  • Can I create a column name for the indexes(1,11,14) in the above dataframe and create a seperate serialized index Nov 19, 2018 at 1:50
  • 1
    Yes, just call reset_index on the result Nov 19, 2018 at 2:46

You can load the dictionary directly into a dataframe and then transpose it:

d = {1:{'name':'john', 'age':26,'salary':50000},11:{'name':'peter', 'age':34, 'salary':70000},14:{'name': 'david', 'age': 21, 'salary': 15000}}

df = pd.DataFrame(d).T

   age   name salary
1   26   john  50000
11  34  peter  70000
14  21  david  15000

Construct the dataframe out of your dict's values.

>>> d = {1:{'name':'john', 'age':26,'salary':50000},11:{'name':'peter', 'age':34, 'salary':70000},14:{'name': 'david', 'age': 21, 'salary': 15000}}
>>> pd.DataFrame(list(d.values()))
   age   name  salary
0   26   john   50000
1   34  peter   70000
2   21  david   15000

With rearranged columns:

>>> pd.DataFrame(list(d.values()), columns=['name', 'age', 'salary'])
    name  age  salary
0   john   26   50000
1  peter   34   70000
2  david   21   15000

Do this:


If you're using Python2, you can directly call pd.DataFrame with p.values() like this:


This is because dictionary values no longer returns a list in python3

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