I am using Excel,

I have a excel sheet with the following data:

role    referrers
Role01  ref01
Role01  ref02
Role01  ref03
Role02  ref04
Role02  ref05
Role02  ref02
Role03  ref06
Role03  ref01
Role03  ref02

I have some input value, so how

Referrers Roles
ref02      ? 
ref01      ?
ref06      ?

How to find the output i.e Roles ? I have used vLookup, used Referrers for searching the roles. But not able to get any output.

The output should be:

   Referrers   Roles
   ref02       Role03
   ref01       Role03
   ref06       Role03
  • 1
    Why ref02 -> Role03 According to the data you have posted, ref02 is related to Role03 and also Role01and also Role02. Have you tried using Pivot Tables? Nov 19, 2018 at 11:47
  • Since the same ref02 is linked to all roles... I guess the Pivot Table is the answer.. How do you otherwise distinguish if you want to return Role01 or 02 or 03 for the given ref02?
    – Wizhi
    Nov 19, 2018 at 11:56
  • @FoxfireAndBurnsAndBurns : Why ref02 -> Role03 , I want to use ref02, ref01 and ref06 and search, if with these 3 values any roles exists, then it should return -> Role03
    – RDN
    Nov 19, 2018 at 13:33
  • @Wizhi : Do you have any such link where can i find how to search this data using pivot table ?
    – RDN
    Nov 19, 2018 at 13:35
  • There is no logic behind this process. We need you to explain why ref02 returns Role03 instead of any other value. Please, explain the steps behind this process. Nov 19, 2018 at 14:49


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