In default the ordering of left menu items is in alphabetical order.

My client wants to order those menus manually. Any idea how to make it possible?

enter image description here

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  • 3
    As per v1.1.7 its not possible. In future it may possible. github.com/laravel/nova-issues/issues/461 Commented Nov 21, 2018 at 5:33
  • @SauminiNavaratnam The question is different than the issue you put in your comment, the question is related to ordering menu items which are shown in the left navbar. The GitHub issue you referred to is related to ordering records under each resource. Commented Apr 9, 2020 at 16:08

10 Answers 10


You can do it in


add a method resources() and register the resources manually like

 protected function resources()


There is another way mentioned in this gist, this seems good too, but official documentation has no mention of it yet.



namespace App\Nova;

class User extends Resource
     * The model the resource corresponds to.
     * @var string
    public static $model = 'App\\User';

     * Custom priority level of the resource.
     * @var int
    public static $priority = 1;

    // ...

and in NovaServiceProvider


namespace App\Providers;

use Laravel\Nova\Nova;
use Laravel\Nova\Cards\Help;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Gate;
use Laravel\Nova\NovaApplicationServiceProvider;

class NovaServiceProvider extends NovaApplicationServiceProvider
     * Register any application services.
     * @return void
    public function register()
        Nova::sortResourcesBy(function ($resource) {
            return $resource::$priority ?? 99999;

This way you set priority of resource and based on priority you render the resource.

  • 1
    I had to add \App\Nova\ before the class name. But it worked Thanks
    – dmgd
    Commented Jul 29, 2019 at 14:00
  • 2
    If you use a resource which is not shown in the navbar, but it's used in resources shown in the navbar, you have to add them to resources array. otherwise nova will show 404 page Commented Aug 14, 2019 at 19:43
  • 2
    Don't know why but didn't work for me in Nova 3.x. Any ideas? Commented Apr 9, 2020 at 16:04
  • 1
    @MustafaEhsanAlokozay I have updated with an alternative, please if that will work for you, but the original solution is what they have suggested in documentation. Commented Apr 20, 2020 at 22:27
  • 1
    @PrafullaKumarSahu the gist solution (Nova::sortResourceBy()) worked for me, thank you! Commented Apr 23, 2020 at 6:40

A cleaner way and tested on latest Nova 3.x. Also, this has been added to Nova since version 2.10+ All you need to do is add a static property on your nova classes. For example Clients will be:

 * The side nav menu order.
 * @var int
public static $priority = 2;

Then after that you can use the NovaServiceProvider to tell nova to use your custom ordering. You can place the code in the boot method

public function boot()
    Nova::sortResourcesBy(function ($resource) {
        return $resource::$priority ?? 9999;

**Reference Nova Private Repo


There are two ways to achieve this:

  1. By setting priority to Resource
  2. Ordering Resource models in NovaServiceProvider

1. Priority Method

  • Add priority as in the following code in Resource model:
      public static $priority = 2;
  • Then update NovaServiceProvider like this:
    public function boot()
        Nova::sortResourcesBy(function ($resource) {
            return $resource::$priority ?? 9999;

2. Ordering Resource models in NovaServiceProvider

In NovaServiceProvider, order Resource models like this:

protected function resources()
  • 1
    I'm using __() helper method along with label() and singularLabel() methods to translate the name of my Nova resources. It seems 2nd solution does not work in this scenario, as my resources are sorted alphabetically as opposed to the order I gave pass into Nova::resources().
    – TheSETJ
    Commented Dec 6, 2020 at 6:55

you can use grouping if that helps. I know it's not a 100% fix but maybe it will help a bit.

public static $group = 'Admin';

Change /nova/resources/navigation.blade.php {{ $group }} to following:

{!! $group !!}

Now you can easily sort the groups as follows:

public static $group = '<span class="hidden">20</span>Music';


public static $group = '<span class="hidden">30</span>User';

Attention: You must convert special characters in the title!

With the links, it's a bit other.... First Method: dirty and ugly

You can change

{{ $resource::label() }}


{{ substr($resource::label(), 1) }}

Then you can sort the links by the first letter of the resource name.

  • AUser
  • BAlbum
  • CContact

Or a better Method for Links crate app/Nova/CustomResource.php:


namespace App\Nova;

use Illuminate\Support\Str;

abstract class CustomResource extends Resource
    public static $label = '';

     * @return string
    public static function label()
        if(static::$label) {
            return static::$label;
        return Str::plural(Str::title(Str::snake(class_basename(get_called_class()), ' ')));

Change /nova/resources/navigation.blade.php

{!!  $resource::label()  !!}

And in the Nova resource, extends this custom resource and You can use public static $label:

class Lyric extends CustomResource
    public static $label = '<span class="hidden">10</span>Lyrics';

     public static function singularLabel()
        return __('Lyric');

Attention: You must convert special characters in the title!


to sort the groups:

add this to your resources:

    public static function groupOrder() {
            return 9999999;

you can overwrite it by adding it to any member resource to downgrade it's order in the navigation tree:

    public static function groupOrder() {
            return 5;

add this before returning at the end of resourcemanager (i hope i shouldn't have to overwrite this at this place):

    $arrSort = [];
    foreach ($navigation as $group => $resources) {
          $resourcesGruoupOrders = [];
          foreach ($resources as $aResource) {
                $resourcesGruoupOrders[] = $aResource::groupOrder();
          $arrSort[] = min($resourcesGruoupOrders);
          $navigation = json_decode(json_encode($navigation), true);
          array_multisort($navigation, SORT_ASC, SORT_NUMERIC, $arrSort);

  • where is the resourcemanager file I am supposed to put this code snippet?
    – Richie
    Commented Mar 3, 2021 at 7:24

If You wondering how to sort groups using a custom sort algorithm here is the clean solution.

In NovaServiceProvider in boot() method just add a custom callback.

$order = array_flip(['Modules', 'Localization', 'Other', 'Settings']);

Nova::mainMenu(static function (Request $request, Menu $menu) use ($order): Menu {

    $resources = $menu->items->firstWhere('name', 'Resources');

    $resources->items = $resources->items->sort(
        fn (MenuGroup $a, MenuGroup $b): int => ($order[$a->name] ?? INF) <=> ($order[$b->name] ?? INF)

    return $menu;

Using $order array you can easily control the position of every specific group. Groups that are not included in this array will be moved to the end of the menu. This behavior can be changed to a moving to the beginning by replacing INF with -INF.


Before add to resource static property

 public static $priority = 1;

Then in NovaServiceProvider replace resource method

protected function resources()
    $namespace = app()->getNamespace();
    $resources = [];

    foreach ((new Finder)->in(app_path('Nova'))->files() as $resource) {
        $resource = $namespace.str_replace(
                ['/', '.php'],
                ['\\', ''],
                Str::after($resource->getPathname(), app_path().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)

        if (is_subclass_of($resource, Resource::class) &&
            ! (new \ReflectionClass($resource))->isAbstract()) {
            $resources[] = $resource;

        collect($resources)->sort(function ($a, $b) {
            return $a::$priority > $b::$priority;

This is an quick and 'dirty' solution but it seems to work within groups. Put spaces in front of the names. They don't appear in the menus but are used for ordering.

public static function label(): string
    return ' Banana'; //two

public static function label(): string
    return 'Apple'; //three

public static function label(): string
    return '  Capybara'; //one

please use methods and pass the request on them instead of hard-coding the $priority

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    – Community Bot
    Commented Aug 12, 2023 at 16:31

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