I have cloned Theia and made some changes and I would like to provide a patch to a specific version of Theia, or I would like to test a specific branch in Theia repo or I have written a Theia extension or plugin and want to have theses one by default included in che-theia, etc ... How could I rebuild the che-theia image to use it in Che ?

1 Answer 1


The sources of eclipse/che-theia is located here. After the changes are made, you need to rebuild the image with the following command: using build script: $ ./build.sh --build-args:GITHUB_TOKEN=$GITHUB_TOKEN,THEIA_VERSION=0.3.13 --tag:0.3.13-nightly or using docker:

$ docker build -t eclipse/che-theia:0.3.13-nightly --build-arg GITHUB_TOKEN={your token} --build-arg THEIA_VERSION=0.3.13 .

Integration tests are launched by default during the build. It is possible to skip with the option --skip-tests

./build.sh --skip-tests

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