I'm doing an assignment for Uni and in my VB.NET form I have some checkboxes, I'm trying to loop through and clear them (I have a button which will clear the form)
My problem is that there seems to be no property I can use to set the state of a checkbox when not explicitly telling VB which checkbox I want to use. for example, I can go
WineCheckBox.Checked = False
That will check the box, but I wand to DRY the code up a bit and not have to repeat this for each check box I have, this is what I was trying to do:
If TypeOf element Is CheckBox Then
element.Checked = False
End If
I've tried using element.CheckState
and element.Checked
and both times I get "Checked (or CheckState) is not a member of System.Windows.Forms.Control"
I've looked through all the attributes that I can find for this and none of them seem of use to me...
Am I missing something? or is this just not possible to do
this is the whole block of code:
'clear the controls
For Each element As Control In Me.Controls
If TypeOf element Is TextBox Then
element.Text = ""
End If
If TypeOf element Is CheckBox Then
element.Checked = False
End If