I am trying in different way which I followed link(How to set background color IONIC 4) for header background color and tried as per ionic 2 and ionic 3 as well:

I am able to make background color for ion-content, but background color is not coming for header.


    <ion-toolbar style="background-color: red">

Please need your support.

7 Answers 7


It seems like the ion-header acts more as a container for an inner ionic component (like an ion-toolbar). I looked over the Ionic v4 ion-toolbar documentation. This component has many custom css custom properties, including --background, that can be customized. This may be what you're looking for.

Assuming you used the CLI to create a 'login' page component, you can add a new css class definition to the login.scss file:

    --background: #54d61c;

And then refer to it in your login.page.html file:

  <ion-toolbar class="new-background-color">
  • I cannot get this to work in the newer version of Ionic. ion-toolbar now has a shadow root with no exposed parts. Commented May 16 at 22:43

I've used the following code snippet to change color of header:

    <ion-toolbar color="primary">

Instead of primary color, you can use any custom color from variables.scss file.

  • 1
    This is the intended Ionic way -- extend the variables.scss file in the theme folder to add terms other than primary. Commented Aug 24, 2019 at 6:24

in your variable.scss

--ion-toolbar-background: var(--ion-color-primary)

or if you want to set background for single page you can define a css class like this:

    --background:  var(--ion-color-primary);


    --background:  red;

or like farhad said

<ion-toolbar color="primary">

All the answers I have seen so far seem to hinge on changing the value primary colour, affecting all the buttons and other UI elements. All I wanted was for my toolbars to all change to one colour, so this is what I put in variables.css

ion-toolbar {
    --color: #ffffff;
    --background: #0d2c6c;

The background of the ion-toolbar seems to rely on variable that is set internally by ionic using the --background variable. The color of icons is set using the --color variable. So to change it, you should do this

ion-header {
  ion-toolbar {
    // set background color
    --background: #0d2c6c;
    // set icon/text color
    --color: #ffffff;

You can also do something like

ion-header {
  ion-toolbar {
    // set background color
    --background: linear-gradient(to right, #000852 0%, #013291 50%,  #000852  100%);
    // set icon/text color
    --color: var(--ion-color-secondary);

Also note that you can edit height, min-height and much more on the ion-header element.

Here's a reference Ionic Docs


ion-header should be provided the background-color like below:

ion-header {
  background-color: #397ffc !important;

Since the style tag is set on <ion-toolbar> that's where the changes are being applied. Add style to <ion-header>.

  • I have tried following code but still not worked: <ion-header style="background-color: red"> <ion-toolbar> <ion-title>Login</ion-title> </ion-toolbar> </ion-header>
    – Arindam
    Commented Nov 30, 2018 at 10:24
  • Try this : <ion-header color="red"> Commented Nov 30, 2018 at 10:37
  • Try color="red" in a ion-toolbar &/or ion-navbar. Ion-Navbar is how I have used it Commented Nov 30, 2018 at 13:01
  • While adding ion-navbar, getting error as: 'ion-navbar' is not a known element. Please check the link: github.com/ionic-team/ionic/blob/master/angular/… where it seems navbar has been replaced with ion-toolbar
    – Arindam
    Commented Dec 3, 2018 at 9:04

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