This also has another solution using useReducer
! first we define our new setState
const [state, setState] = useReducer(
(state, newState) => ({...state, ...newState}),
{loading: true, data: null, something: ''}
after that we can simply use it like the good old classes this.setState
, only without the this
setState({loading: false, data:})
As you may noticed in our new setState
(just like as what we previously had with this.setState
), we don't need to update all the states together! for example I can change one of our states like this (and it doesn't alter other states!):
setState({loading: false})
Awesome, Ha?!
So let's put all the pieces together:
import {useReducer} from 'react'
const getData = url => {
const [state, setState] = useReducer(
(state, newState) => ({...state, ...newState}),
{loading: true, data: null}
useEffect(async () => {
const test = await api.get('/people')
setState({loading: false, data:})
}, [])
return state
Typescript Support.
Thanks to P. Galbraith who replied this solution,
Those using typescript can use this:
useReducer<Reducer<MyState, Partial<MyState>>>(...)
where MyState
is the type of your state object.
e.g. In our case it'll be like this:
interface MyState {
loading: boolean;
data: any;
something: string;
const [state, setState] = useReducer<Reducer<MyState, Partial<MyState>>>(
(state, newState) => ({...state, ...newState}),
{loading: true, data: null, something: ''}
Previous State Support.
In comments user2420374 asked for a way to have access to the prevState
inside our setState
, so here's a way to achieve this goal:
const [state, setState] = useReducer(
(state, newState) => {
newWithPrevState = isFunction(newState) ? newState(state) : newState
return (
{...state, ...newWithPrevState}
// And then use it like this...
setState(prevState => {...})
checks whether the passed argument is a function (which means you're trying to access the prevState) or a plain object. You can find this implementation of isFunction by Alex Grande here.
Notice. For those who want to use this answer a lot, I decided to turn it into a library. You can find it here:
functions are called within an async callback. Sources:,…useReducer