The following code works, but can you tell me if this is the right way to do it?

I have an array of Position objects and I want to check if it contains an object which attribute 'hidden' has "false' value:

<% if positions.collect{|position| position.hidden}.include?(false) %>
<% end %>
  • 2
    If you like, another way to simplify this is: if positions.map(&:hidden).include?(false). (Warning: this and the original approach will behave differently from the answers given below if the 'hidden' attribute ever returns nil.)
    – antinome
    Commented Mar 20, 2013 at 16:04

3 Answers 3

<% if positions.any?{|position| !position.hidden} %>
<% end %>

Using the any? method


if positions.any? {|position| not position.hidden}


you can also use all? method:

<% unless positions.all? {|position| position.hidden} %>
<% end %>

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