I create a pyspark dataframe and i want to see it in the SciView tab in PyCharm when i debug my code (like I used to do when i have worked with pandas). It says "Nothing to show" (the dataframe exists, I can see it when I use the show() command).

someone knows how to do it or maybe there is no integration between pycharm and pyspark dataframe in this case?

  • 1
    Beware that any such action if possible will mean collecting data from all executor into driver memory...which for large data size may result into crash...show/head etc. are safer alternative to just show sample data
    – abhiieor
    Commented Dec 5, 2018 at 8:18

1 Answer 1


Pycharm does not support spark dataframes, you should call the toPandas() method on the dataframe. As @abhiieor mentioned in a comment, be aware that you can potentially collect a lot of data, you should first limit() the number of rows returned.


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