I am trying to use a select option and call different fuctions which a button click eg :

<select id="S3_Bucket_Actions" onchange="selectfunction()">
<option disabled="disabled" class="others" selected="selected">select one option</option>
<option value="listBucket">listBucket</option>
<option value="createBucket">createBucket</option>
<option value="doFileUpload">doFileUpload</option>
<input type='button' class='btn btn-default' value='Run tests' id='#s3-listBucket' />
<div id="buttonholder"></div>
function selectfunction() {
var selectoption = document.getElementById("S3_Bucket_Actions").value;
document.getElementById("buttonholder").innerHTML = "<input type='button' class='btn btn-default' value='Run All tests' id='s3-"+selectoption+"' />";

I want with each button click different functions related to different select options should be called. Can someone help ?

  • Can you please clarify what you specific problem is ? See this Question for reference if you just want to know how to use the selectedOption to call a function Commented Dec 6, 2018 at 11:56

1 Answer 1


If I understand your question correctly you want to call a function depending on the string in the dropwdown. This is an exampke working for the doFileUpload option

<select id="S3_Bucket_Actions" onchange="selectfunction(event)">
<option disabled="disabled" class="others" selected="selected">select one option</option>
<option value="listBucket">listBucket</option>
<option value="createBucket">createBucket</option>
<option value="doFileUpload">doFileUpload</option>
<input type='button' class='btn btn-default' onclick="callFunctionByString()" value='Run tests' id='#s3-listBucket' />
<div id="buttonholder"></div>
var selectoption = ""
function selectfunction(event) {

selectoption = event.srcElement.selectedOptions[0].innerHTML

document.getElementById("buttonholder").innerHTML = "<input type='button' class='btn btn-default' value='Run All tests' id='s3-"+selectoption+"' />";
             function callFunctionByString(){
             function doFileUpload(){
             alert("I upload a File")

Consider however that this is neither the bestsolution nor free of errors but just a simple demonstration.

See this question for reference

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