I’ve got an JavaScript Array of Objects. These Objects have a unique identifier as a String. Since there is no need to have them in an array, how do I get rid of the outer array?

When trying to pop, (un)shift, etc. I’m always losing either UniqueStringA or UniqueStringB

I added a jsbin link here: https://jsbin.com/sulozeyelo/edit?js,console

What I got

const arrObj = [
        "UniqueStringA": {
        "abc": [
            "PropPair": {
                "a": "c",
                "b": "d"
            "PropPair": {
                "a": "c",
                "b": "d"
        "def": [],
        "efg": [
            "PropPair": {
                "a": "c",
                "b": "d"
            "PropPair": {
                "a": "c",
                "b": "d"
        "xyz": []
        "UniqueStringB": {
        "abc": [
            "PropPair": {
                "a": "c",
                "b": "d"
            "PropPair": {
                "a": "c",
                "b": "d"
        "def": [],
        "efg": [
            "PropPair": {
                "a": "c",
                "b": "d"
            "PropPair": {
                "a": "c",
                "b": "d"
        "xyz": []

Result should be like:

const obj =     {
    "UniqueStringA": {
        "abc": [
            "PropPair": {
            "a": "c",
            "b": "d"
            "PropPair": {
            "a": "c",
            "b": "d"
        "def": [],
        "efg": [
            "PropPair": {
            "a": "c",
            "b": "d"
            "PropPair": {
            "a": "c",
            "b": "d"
        "xyz": []
    "UniqueStringB": {
        "abc": [
            "PropPair": {
            "a": "c",
            "b": "d"
            "PropPair": {
            "a": "c",
            "b": "d"
        "def": [],
        "efg": [
            "PropPair": {
            "a": "c",
            "b": "d"
            "PropPair": {
            "a": "c",
            "b": "d"
        "xyz": []
  • 2
    let obj = arr[0] ... ???
    – jonny
    Dec 6, 2018 at 17:23
  • 1
    You can access through index or pop out the object using array#pop. Dec 6, 2018 at 17:23
  • I've upvoted just for how this question is clear. Dec 6, 2018 at 17:28

1 Answer 1


You can use Object.assign() and spread operator.

const arrObj = [
    "uniqueStringA": {
      "abc": [{
        "propPair": {
          "A": "Hello",
          "B": "World"
    "uniqueStringB": {
      "abc": [{
        "propPair": {
          "A": "Hello",
          "B": "World"

const obj = Object.assign({}, ...arrObj );


  • I updated my code. I’m losing uniqueStringA when doing you method
    – Kalaschnik
    Dec 6, 2018 at 18:13

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