I'm currently trying to write data from an array of objects to a range in Excel using the following code, where objData
is just an array of strings:
private object m = System.Type.Missing;
object[] objData = getDataIWantToWrite();
Range rn_Temp;
rn_Temp = (Range)XlApp.get_Range(RangeName, m);
rn_Temp = rn_Temp.get_Resize(objData.GetUpperBound(), 1);
rn_Temp.value2 = objData;
This very nearly works, the problem being that the range gets filled but every cell gets the value of the first item in the objData
The inverse works, i.e.
private object m = System.Type.Missing;
object[] objData = new object[x,y]
Range rn_Temp;
rn_Temp = (Range)XlApp.get_Range(RangeName, m);
rn_Temp = rn_Temp.get_Resize(objData.GetUpperBound(), 1);
objData = (object[])rn_Temp.value2;
would return an array containing all of the values from the worksheet, so I'm not sure why reading and assignment work differently.
Has anyone ever done this successfully? I'm currently writing the array cell by cell, but it needs to cope with lots (>50,000) of rows and this is therefore very time consuming.
) even though your data could fit on just one dimension.