I have setup a Hyperledger Fabric CA-Server on an Ubuntu machine. I have enrolled an admin and also tried enrolling a few users. It worked perfectly fine.

I now want to register a few users through a Windows machine (Client) by sending requests to the validator machine.

  • How do I proceed for this?
  • What are the prerequisites to be installed in the client machine?
  • How do I make use of the APIs of the Fabric network? Currently, it says, 'Listening on'. Should the Firewall be disabled?
  • By "validator", do you mean orderer? It would help if you could describe your network topology. If you only have an orderer, then all you can do is administer the network. To add transactions to the ledger, you need at least one peer. Dec 7, 2018 at 8:44
  • I am sorry. I meant CA Server. I have edited the answer. Dec 7, 2018 at 9:12

1 Answer 1


There are two methods for managing users from a client machine, as follows:

  • The fabric-ca-client CLI - documentation here. The compiled binary can be downloaded from the Hyperledger Nexus Repository here.
  • The FabricCAClient class in the Hyperledger Fabric Node SDK - documentation here. Sample code can also be found here in the fabric-samples repository. Prerequisites and setup instructions here.

Both of these methods use the Fabric CA API to communicate with the Fabric CA server.

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