Let's imagine I have a creature that moves:

        bool pathFound = false;
        void Update()
                //Find a destination point
                pathFound = true;

            //Move creature to point

            if(Creature reached the point)
                pathFound = false;

So that the movement depends on the variable created outside the function.
If i want to add exactly the same second creature the code is going to be dublicated:

        bool pathFound1 = false;
        bool pathFound2 = false;
        void Update()
                //Find a destination point 1
                pathFound1 = true;
            //Move creature 1 to point 1
            if(Creature reached the point 1)
                pathFound1 = false;

                //Find a destination point 2
                pathFound2 = true;
            //Move creature 2 to point 2
            if(Creature2 reached the point 2)
                pathFound2 = false;

What looks very strange and unefficient to me. And even if I will move all these steps in a function there should be created two almost the same functions with only difference in pathFound1 and pathFound2.
So I wonder how to achive the same result with more qualitative code?

  • Can you clarify exactly what this class is going to be doing? Is it suppose to be a manager that moves multiple creatures? AKA Like a single Manager that would move a squad of guys? Or is this suppose to be like a Koopa, and you have another Koopa that does his own movement?
    – AresCaelum
    Dec 8, 2018 at 19:59

1 Answer 1


Put boolean pathFound as public member in Creature, with default value initialized to false.

Then you can have:

void Update()
        foreach (Creature creature in yourCreaturesList)
            if (creature.PathFound)
                //Find a destination point for creature
                creature.PathFound = true;

            //Move creature to its target point
            if(creature reached the point)
                creature.PathFound = false;

If required, encapsulate other parameters inside the Creature class too.

  • I don't have Creature class.I find creatures by FindGameObjectsWithTag. So that the best solution will be to create a class that will hold GameObject Creature and pathFound?
    – Storm
    Dec 8, 2018 at 20:08
  • 1
    Yes, you may want to also add target point or another variables that may come.
    – nemanja228
    Dec 8, 2018 at 20:11

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