I am creating a python API that will take values from a user in the form of a JSON object and insert these values into a database. Instead of inserting the data, a 0 is being inserted while the id increments as expected. Would anyone be able to advise me as to how to solve this problem?

cursor = cnx.cursor()

sql = "INSERT INTO `player`(`player_id`,`Name`, `Age`, `Overall`, `Position`) " \
      "VALUES ('', `Name`=%s,`Age`=%s,`Overall`=%s,`Position`=%s);"

cursor.execute(sql, (request.json['Name'], request.json['Age'],
                     request.json['Overall'], request.json['Position']))


The code above is what I am currently using. All help is appreciated

  • 0 is inserted where? Every value?
    – roganjosh
    Dec 9, 2018 at 21:15
  • Yes, every value apart from player_id which auto increments
    – M.Walker
    Dec 9, 2018 at 21:18

1 Answer 1


Use NULL for auto incrementing fields, and don't specify the name of the field in the VALUES below:

cursor = cnx.cursor()

sql = "INSERT INTO `player`(`player_id`,`Name`, `Age`, `Overall`, `Position`) " \
      "VALUES (NULL, %s, %s, %s, %s);"

cursor.execute(sql, (request.json['Name'], request.json['Age'],
                     request.json['Overall'], request.json['Position']))


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