
I'm trying to create the autocovariance for several lags on several rows. In this example I got two rows and 11 lags.

I got the following two rows in my example:

enter image description here

in text:

 array([[164, 148, 152, 144, 155, 125, 153, 146, 138, 190, 192, 192],
   [239, 379, 105, 150, 400, 326, 134, 441, 199, 431, 203, 425]], dtype=int64)

I want to get the autocovariance for every row with lag 0,1...11.

For now, I got the following code:

 import statsmodels as sm
 import numpy as np
 import pandas as pd
 df = pd.read_excel("directory\\file.xlsx")

def autocov(row):
    x = sm.tsa.stattools.acovf(df.T[row], unbiased=False, demean=True, 
    fft=None, missing='none')
    autocov_df = pd.DataFrame(x)

for index,row in df.iterrows():

This prints me the following array:


in text:

 [ 447.52083333  191.93229167   94.51041667  -26.36979167  -87.58333333
   -97.90104167 -121.86458333  -54.328125    -94.47916667  -31.19270833
   -12.65625      16.171875  ]
 [ 447.52083333  191.93229167   94.51041667  -26.36979167  -87.58333333
   -97.90104167 -121.86458333  -54.328125    -94.47916667  -31.19270833
  -12.65625      16.171875  ]

However, as you can see, it prints the same values for both 2 rows.

What am I doing wrong in my code???

This is my preferred output:

[ 447.52083333  191.93229167   94.51041667  -26.36979167  -87.58333333
  -97.90104167 -121.86458333  -54.328125    -94.47916667  -31.19270833
  -12.65625      16.171875  ]
[ 14887., -7237., 1811.,-198.5,
  2903.08333333,  -3346.41666667,   1140.33333333,  -1207.25      ,
  1141.08333333,  -3307.75      ,   1402.33333333,   -544.41666667]

1 Answer 1


You are iterating with index, row but you print constant value:

for index,row in df.iterrows():

autocov_df.T does not depend on index or row.

You need to use iteration variable to see difference, like:

for index,row in df.iterrows():
    y = some_function(index,row)

In your example you don't call autocov and there is no return statement in that function:

def autocov(row):
    x = sm.tsa.stattools.acovf(df.T[row], unbiased=False, demean=True, 
    fft=None, missing='none')
    autocov_df = pd.DataFrame(x)

for index,row in df.iterrows():
     x = autocov(index)

Note that your parameter naming could be misleading.

  • What would you like to print?
    – Frane
    Dec 10, 2018 at 11:51
  • I edited my question with the preferred output. This is what I want to achieve (my df will eventually have thousands of rows) Dec 10, 2018 at 11:54
  • I tried your solution and embedded it in my code like this: for index,row in df.iterrows(): print(row) print(autocov_df) It gives me the same results however Dec 10, 2018 at 12:05
  • Answer is updated. Needed to import statsmodels.tsa.stattools to run example.
    – Frane
    Dec 10, 2018 at 13:48

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