In python I have a combined emoji like this: "👨" + "\u200D" + "🔧"
which is normally represented as I want to get a PNG version to use as a plot point (in matplotlib, if that helps). Is there any official or unofficial place where I can convert unicode versions of emojis into PNG equivalents?
Resources and library (etc.) recommendations are off topic on Stack Overflow. But strangely enough, that very page that you point to lists various PNG versions of your emoji.– JongwareCommented Dec 11, 2018 at 9:45
Thanks. I'm unsure how to get those programmatically, though?– user2667066Commented Dec 11, 2018 at 10:23
Also, sorry for the OT, if that's a problem.– user2667066Commented Dec 11, 2018 at 10:24
Do you need to get them automatically? Surely you know which one(s) you want to use? Then right-click and save the images using your browser. Unless your use case is much more complicated than what you describe.– JongwareCommented Dec 11, 2018 at 10:25
I have (say) 10,000 points, and want to allocate a different randomly picked emoji from a set for each point. So yes, I guess programmatic is best (the points are individual people plotted in a large simulated family-tree)– user2667066Commented Dec 11, 2018 at 10:28
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1 Answer
For anyone else looking for an answer, at the moment I'm using the PNGs from, with a hack that parses the web page, like this
class EmojiConverter:
def __init__(self):
import requests
import re = requests.get('').text
def to_base64_png(self, emoji, version=0):
"""For different versions, you can set version = 0 for , """
html_search_string = r"<img alt='{}' class='imga' src='data:image/png;base64,([^']+)'>" #'
matchlist = re.findall(html_search_string.format(emoji),
return matchlist[version]
e = EmojiConverter()
b64 = e.to_base64_png("👨"+"\u200D" + "🔧")
Is there a way to do the opposite of this? I have one
file for each emoji which I have scraped from FB. Is there a way to convert these.png
emojis into string format?– PSKCommented Jul 20, 2021 at 12:28 -
That sounds hard in general. However, when scraping, could you save the unicode equivalent in the PNG metadata? Commented Jul 21, 2021 at 12:10
I'm not quite sure. They're not always PNGs I guess, for example, this. I have found an alternate way to do this but that requires me to send one extra request for every post I want to scrape. There is no metadata as far as I can see. Not in the form of the
attribute of tags at least.– PSKCommented Jul 21, 2021 at 13:20