I know this topic is existing, but no one could solve my problem.
I am using the library mewebstudio/captcha, everything is fine, but when I submit, it tells me always that the captcha is wrong.

My validation rules:

'captcha' => 'required|captcha'

In my html form:

<?= captcha_img(); ?>
<input type="text" name="captcha">

I am using php5.6, Laravel 5.1 and mews/captcha 2.2

3 Answers 3


My solution:

'captcha' => ['required' , new CheckCaptcha]

Rule class :

public function passes($attribute, $value)
    return Hash::check($value, session('captcha.key'));

 * Get the validation error message.
 * @return string
public function message()
    return 'Invalid captcha';

in CaptchaServiceProvider.php in package vendor, comment routes:

if ((double)$this->app->version() >= 5.2) {
            $router->get('captcha/api/{config?}', '\Mews\Captcha\CaptchaController@getCaptchaApi')->middleware('web');
            $router->get('captcha/{config?}', '\Mews\Captcha\CaptchaController@getCaptcha')->middleware('web');
        } else {
            $router->get('captcha/api/{config?}', '\Mews\Captcha\CaptchaController@getCaptchaApi');
            $router->get('captcha/{config?}', '\Mews\Captcha\CaptchaController@getCaptcha');

then add routes above in your routes file witout middleware('web'):

Route::get('captcha/api/{config?}', '\Mews\Captcha\CaptchaController@getCaptchaApi');
Route::get('captcha/{config?}', '\Mews\Captcha\CaptchaController@getCaptcha');

I found a solution, I hope that will help someone in the future.
Well it is a bug in the library itself, where they delete the session key without checking the result:

public function check($value)
    if ( ! $this->session->has('captcha'))
        return false;

    $key = $this->session->get('captcha.key');
    $sensitive = $this->session->get('captcha.sensitive');

    if ( ! $sensitive)
        $value = $this->str->lower($value);


    return $this->hasher->check($value, $key);

So my solution is like that (you need to extend the class, override the method and bind the class to the new implementation):

public function check($value)
    if ( ! $this->session->has('captcha'))
        return false;

    $key = $this->session->get('captcha.key');
    $sensitive = $this->session->get('captcha.sensitive');

    if ( ! $sensitive)
        $value = $this->str->lower($value);

    $isNotARobot = $this->hasher->check($value, $key);dd($isNotARobot);

    if ($isNotARobot) {
    return $isNotARobot;

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