I have REST service running on a server using Python flask. I have REST client which is built using java. I need to send two binary message in single Http REST request. The reason these are two because they both different protobuff message type but are inter-related to each other and should go in single HTTP request. How can we accomplish that at send and receive side.


1 Answer 1


The simplest option here may be to simply declare a wrapper message type:

message FooRequest {
    // remove "required" if using proto3 syntax
    required Request1MessageType part1 = 1;
    required Request2MessageType part2 = 2;

and send a single FooRequest composed of the two inner messages. This is not always possible, however, in which case you'll have to implement your own framing mechanism inside the binary payload. A simple but pragmatic option might be to measure the size of the first message (in bytes) - i.e. len, and send:

[len, 4 bytes little endian][message 1, len bytes][message 2]

and decode it again at the other end - i.e. take the first 4 bytes and use that to calculate the ranges of the two inner messages. In anticipation of requiring more messages in the future, it might make sense to include a length prefix against every message (i.e. also include a length prefix for message 2) - but strictly speaking it would be redundant in the current case.

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