As in the title, when I want to know the result of 'liczba' and i choose 25, the result is 0.0000? The problem is in selected lines where i wrote comments . Thanks for help.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#define ACCURACY (1.e-5) 
double pierwiastek(double liczba);

int main( void ) {

  double liczba;


    printf("\nPodaj wartosc liczby dodatniej (-1 konczy program):\n");

    if(liczba<0.0) break;

    printf("\nliczba %20.15lf, zalozona dokladnosc obliczania pierwiastka: %20.15lf\n", 
       liczba, ACCURACY);
    printf("\tpierwiastek liczby: obliczony %20.15lf, dokladny %20.15lf\n", 
       pierwiastek(liczba), sqrt(liczba));//<---- there
      printf("\nPierwiastek z pierwiastka: %lf",pierwiastek(pierwiastek(liczba)));//<-----there

  return 0;

double pierwiastek(double liczba)
    double pierwiastek = 1.0f;
    double temp;
    //wzor Herona
      temp = pierwiastek;
      pierwiastek = 0.5f * (temp + liczba/temp);

    } while(fabs(pierwiastek*pierwiastek - liczba)/liczba > ACCURACY); 


1 Answer 1


You don't return anything from your function. I think you meant to say:

double pierwiastek(double liczba)
  return pierwiastek;

A few notes in your code though:



has no effect, since the function passes liczba by value, and you don't store the return of the function anywhere, which doesn't make sense. Usually, you would do:

double result = pierwiastek(liczba);


printf("\nPierwiastek z pierwiastka: %lf", pierwiastek(pierwiastek(liczba)));

I do not what you mean to say, but calling the function, and passing its result to another function call of the same function, seems a bit unusual. I would suggest you to double think about that line of code again.

  • 1
    Yea! BIG THANK U! Dec 17, 2018 at 13:01
  • You are welcome @KamilaNowak. Next time, I suggest you to use English for your code (e.g. for function names and variables). I did the same as you in first semester, I learned from that ;) PS: Since the answer helped, you might want to accept it, by ticking the green marker on its left.
    – gsamaras
    Dec 17, 2018 at 13:03
  • 1
    @KamilaNowak. Recommend compiling with -Wall -Wextra -pedantic so the compiler warns you if you do something like this in the future. Typically every compiler warning should be addressed (and only in very few cases is it unjustified).
    – bitmask
    Dec 17, 2018 at 13:25

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