In msys bash in Windows, I'd like to cd to the directory a (Windows native) .lnk links to. These are the standard Windows shortcuts. I want to be able to do this:

~ $ cdlnk programs.lnk
/c/Program\ Files/ $

I've come this far:

strings "$lnk" | grep -A 1 DATA | tail -n 1

gives me the path the shortcut links to. However, now I'm stuck. I can either

  1. Make an alias in .bashrc - but then I cannot use pipes or pass the parameter to a script, i.e. I cannot run above code.
  2. Make a script cdlnk.sh - but then I can only change its cd and not that of the calling shell.
  • 2
    You can stick your command into a function in a file that gets sourced, for example somwhere in .bashrc or a file that gets sourced in there. Commented Dec 19, 2018 at 14:58
  • Great! That works! Thank you. Commented Dec 20, 2018 at 8:01
  • Care to put your comment in an answer? Then I can select it and mark the question answered. Commented Jul 1, 2020 at 8:23

1 Answer 1


To both be able to process parameters and modify the current shell, you can use a shell function in a file that has to be sourced, for example .bashrc.

For the command you have, the function might look like this:

cdlnk() {
    strings "$1" | grep -A 1 DATA | tail -n 1

You could make this a little shorter by using sed instead of grep and tail:

cdlnk() {
    strings "$1" | sed -n '/DATA/{n;p;q;}'

where -n suppresses output, and on a line matching DATA, the commands are n (get next line into pattern buffer), p (print the line), and q (exit – no need to look at the rest of the file).

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