how can we check that the xpath in xml does not exist :

I have to perform text file to xml data comparison , XML file contains several transactions. some transactions contains tag while some does not. since i have understanding of these tags, i have captured the xpaths.

there is a situation when data exists in text file but corresponding tag in xml transaction is missing.

in report i am printing data values in both file. i want to print blank in case xpath does not exist or tag not present in a transaction. ?? how to handle it.

for Missing tag UFT throwing error : Failed to retrieve the item. The index is out of range.


text file data :

Trans_start alpha-4141 500005000002300 testing4141 ED Trans_end

Trans_start alpha-4142 900005000002400 testing4141 ED Trans_end

code : Set xmlObj = XMLUtil.CreateXML() xmlObj.LoadFile("E:\QTP-UFT\testing.xml") Set xyz=xmlObj.ChildElementsByPath("//Transaction//xyz")

To get value :

  • 1
    That looks more like VB6 than VB.NET to me. Is it VB6? Or maybe VBA? Dec 26, 2018 at 17:48
  • You can use On Error Resume Next and On Error Goto 0 to handle and process the error gracefully. Jan 14, 2019 at 5:37


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